[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wfYSh8s.jpg[/img][/center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/I0DIzZb.png[/img] Chryseis's approach towards Jukati was abruptly cut off as 5 more wolves stepped between him and the oni, who appeared to be handling her own wolves quite well given how most of the red she was covered in was certainly not her own. Each of the wolves facing Chryseis now were armed not with swords or spears, but blunt maces, made for breaking bones and rupturing organs. Seems as if they had learned rather quickly that they wouldn't be piercing the skin of the Nemean Lion, instead opting to go for breaking each and every one of his bones with blunt instruments of pain. Maybe an old dog can learn new tricks. Meanwhile with Noire, she would find the amount of wolves attacking her to be quite... nonexistent. It looks like seeing their comrades seemingly drop dead without her even touch them had scared off everyone from attacking her, leaving her a clear line into the now open fortress. When she ventured inside she would many wolves crowding the corridors, however none of them were actually paying attention to the intruder. No, if she payed attention to the murmurs of the crowd, she might just catch rumors and whispers of something rather interesting. [b]"The boss got trounced-" "-heard she surrendered for us-" "I'm telling you, there was this giant skeleton thing that-" "-they used to know each other-" "-apparently they were lovers once- "-and they were roommates!"[/b] Rumors spread fast it seems.