[h1][center][color=red]Elle[/color][/center][/h1] Elle grins faintly at Martha’s speech. She had also been thinking of a lot of things: where were they? Where was everyone else? How did they get here and she has no recollection? Why [i]them[/i]? Was there some sort of filtering process that resulted in very few people? Was it just their town or was it all over the world? Maybe different areas? How did she get money when there was no one there? What was that ringing, where did it come from, what does it mean, and who was responsible for it? However, she wouldn’t admit to thinking about this because god forbid the dark-skinned biker girl have brains beyond a broken car and lock picking. [color=red]”Then dork? And I guess you could call me a nerd for stirring up shit and living on the wrong side of the tracks.”[/color] She growls softly and rolls her eyes at Martha’s antics. [color=red]”Would you quit it? Your acting like a fucking child away from her mommy and daddy for the first time.”[/color] She walks into the house that was currently blaring and draws a pocket knife. She cuts a couple of wires and the noise stops. As she walks out she takes the second beer and takes a swig after cracking it open.