[center][hr][h2]Martha[/h2][hr][/center] >[@Sharidi37495] Martha watched as Elle destroyed one of the levels of experimentation and said to her as she handed her the beer. [color=62B7AD]"You ruined one part of the experiment which was law enforcement and or others close by but as the alarm is connected to the police lines it will still help see if there are police waiting for such a call."[/color] She reaches into the cart and opens a bag of crisps and adds [color=62B7AD]"This is also an attempt to see if the makers of all this, this dysonsphere"[/color] says pointing at the strange sky [color=62B7AD]"Have any grounds keepers. Oh and the name is Martha not Nerd, Dork, Dweeb, Squint, or any other name you wish to use in an effort to display your coolness over me; it sours the potential for amiable discourse"[/color]