[hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2a7En5f.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Karissa's eyes examined each member of the team as the leader of the operation began to tell them what exactly their plan was. Needless to say, it didn't take long until the part about splitting the team came up, and Karissa would let out a short, high pitched squeak as she found herself almost stepping forward without fully listening to what Hawke was saying. In her brain, it seemed like 2+2 that after mentioning the bogas he would ask who wanted to volunteer as a rider, but it seemed the veteran Sunrunner thought otherwise and instead asked for the people to ride the schooner. She quickly pulled her leg back, kicking up some dirt on the way as she awkwardly fell against the nearest wall, trying her damned best to pretend like she was just changing her stance and not messing up the simple task of listening to a question. Of course, this meant that her feet now were around 3 feet away from the wall, meaning she was leaning against them in a rather... unique way. [color=f7941d][i]Whew, what a save. Slick moves Karissa. [/i][/color] She thought to herself, clearing her throat after her squeak and turning to the side, pulling up the fabric around her neck higher to hide an embarrassed blush. She was certain that she had managed to sneak under the radar of the others with the whole act she put up when she arrived. That is, until now. No matter how defensive she got over past scars and tried to pretend to be tough, even small mistakes like this could completely ruin the image she was trying to create of herself. Thankfully it seemed like she wasn't the only one who was having trouble understanding this turn of events. She felt the same kind of anxiety come from Iyana, and she wasn't surprised in the slightest when Asante straight up ignored the proposal and declared that he would be riding with the other two. That's a relief, maybe nobody noticed and she could volunteer later. [color=f7941d][i]Wait a second...[/i][/color] She hummed, her eyes quickly darting over to the other two people in the group who had not chosen where they would be riding. Well, apart from her, that is. One was an armored man, whose face was obscured behind some armor plates that sent little shivers down Karissa's back. Whatever that material was, it was filled with latent magical potential. Still, that wasn't what she was most worried in. Given the clunky nature of the plate armor she doubted that the man would riding a Boga. Which meant one thing... The other girl in the team was now her rival! Only one of them could ride a Boga! And who knew how many more of these beasts they had left in the pens available for the mission! It was now a duel of the wits between her and the only other girl in the group, a battle to the death to decide who shall ride victoriously on the back of a Boga into the sunset! [color=f7941d][i]Yes, go on Karissa! You will not be relegated to schooner duty![/i][/color] ...At least, that's how it went down in her head. Clutching her fingers into a fist for a moment she took a step forth, almost losing her balance for a moment as she exited the disastrous pose she took up when she attempted to hide her earlier blunder. [color=f7941d]"Um..."[/color] She bit her lips as she raised her right hand in front of herself. [color=f7941d]"I-I know how to ride!"[/color] She exclaimed, perhaps a little too loud as a result of the intense battle royale she thought would be happening. [color=f7941d]"Used to ride across the dunes with my tribe. I've plenty of experience."[/color] She exclaimed, her orange eyes holding their gaze on Hawke for a few moments before she turned her head to face Iyana, her lips silently spelling out a sorry. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aEFmWpo.png[/img][/center]