[color=gray] [center][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6512/f8cd549fd4d0de32f765720494eda96e6e8b810a_hq.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=lightgoldenrodyellow][h1][b][u]Excitement and Worry[/u][/b][/h1][/color][/center] [center][url=https://youtu.be/fmwHWbnpp9s](Mood Music)[/url][/center] Auriel stood on one of the many balconies overlooking Melromarc from the throne room. She looked out to the summoning temple where the ritual to bring the Cardinal Heroes to this world was taking place. She was disappointed that she was denied access to the ritual. Her whole life had led to this moment, to stand beside the heroes. It would come to pass, but for Auriel, having to wait the extra hour or two felt like an eternity. Her golden eyes practically burned a hole into the stonework of the distant temple. They were there now, she could feel it. It was a sensation that ran up her spine and gave her chills. It was as if the world in its entirety responded to the summoning of the heroes. Winds blew from the temple's direction, catching the feathers of her wings as they remained tucked to her back. Her blonde hair whipped back from a particularly powerful gust. Auriel heard the chirps and calls of a flock of birds as they fought against the wind to reach the temple. She looked over to them and watched with envy as they flew so freely in the air. The sun gleamed off of their white feathers, allowing for the birds to stick out from the blue and gray backdrop of the partially cloudy sky. Auriel took a deep breath of the summer air and let it out slowly. Her wings stretched out a bit, catching more wind. The feeling of the air moving through her feathers felt nice, but it wasn't enough for Auriel. Things hadn't been the same for her since she fell on the battlefield. A sharp stab of pain from her right wing made her wince and tuck her wings back in. She gripped the hand rail of the balcony with white knuckles as the pain ran its course. Her mind shot back to the moment it all happened, when weighted chains were tossed over her and took her to the ground. When her struggles twisted the chains through her feathers and snapped fragile bones. She felt fear that day. It was the first time she had ever came so close to losing everything. For all her divine gifts and healing magic, her wings were the one thing that wouldn't heal. It had been months since that day, but she was still no closer to taking the skies back as her domain. Auriel snapped out of her reverie when she heard the great bells of the temple, cathedral, and palace ring in unison. The summoning was complete. She felt that familiar chill run up her spine again. The excitement of meeting her promised companions quickly washed over the anxiety of her injuries. But it didn't take long for a new anxiety to settle in. What if the heroes were nothing like she expected? What if they had no need for a warrior who trained her whole life to aid them? What if they wouldn't accept her because she wasn't completely healed yet? Auriel's mind started zipping through dozens of different 'what if?' scenarios, and it made her bite her lip as she tried sorting out the plausible from the implausible. Another gust of wind caught in her wings, and she refocused. No. That wouldn't happen. The Cardinal Heroes might be the ones destined to save their world, but without people like Auriel and the other adventurers gathered in the throne room, the heroes would be lost and confused in this strange place. Her rationale steeled her for the moment she'd meet her heroes, at least until she realized she hadn't even thought about what to say when they were finally face to face. Auriel blushed. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]"Oh heavens, Auriel you fool..."[/b][/color] she said quietly to herself as she planted her face firmly in her palm. She took another deep breath and started rehearsing to herself, [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]"Greetings, heroes! ... No that's too excited... Welcome, my lords- are they my lords? What if one of them is a lady? My lords and lady? Ohhh I should've thought about this sooner! Uuugh!"[/b][/color] Auriel let out an exasperated sigh as she gripped some of her golden locks. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]"Ohhh what do I say?!"[/b][/color] she said a bit louder, forgetting that there might be others able to hear her in the throne room. [/color]