[quote=@Tatterdemalion] POTENTIAL 1 Is that much of a surprise? Locker is a chill bro. Which means he’s too deadpan and oddly sincere to be a good actor. He doesn’t have flair, can’t project his voice and enunciate, and doesn’t know how to commit to a bit. If there’s one thing that Sara, conversely, is an expert at, it’s committing hard to a bit. “Locker, Locker, Locker,” she says, shaking her head and placing one hand on his shoulder. “Nobody has ever benefitted from a half-assed death. As soon as somebody finds out, that’s it, you’re always [i]the super who faked their death for clicks.[/i] That means if you do it, you either have an ironclad reveal up your sleeve or you intend to never come back up. And given that you don’t have an audience — no offense — it’s got to be the second, right?” She pulls him in for a bro hug, thumping his back with her fist. “I’ll miss you, dude. But whoever has you in the deep shit — the Russians, the Indonesians, the Martians — I’ll make sure they think you’re dead as a fucking doornail. Now put the bodysuit on, we don’t have all night.” [[b]7[/b] on Comfort and Support. He opens up!][/quote] "It's not the Russians - it's Angel-IKA, all right?" he finally said, still holding the bodysuit limply. "She's, you know, on the run from her dad and doing vigilante stuff and Bode and Ferraphim1tp are working with her and they keep asking me to help them out and I do and it's fun but... you know, I don't want to just ghost them but..." He groaned, stepped away, kicked the tires of a car. "... I already [i]know[/i] I don't have what it takes. As soon as the pressure mounts up I'll snap like a twig and spend another year hiding in my room. I'll spend every day battling to summon the willpower to eat dinner, or I'd just go hungry that day. I'm not strong enough to handle it." [quote=@Phoe]"So! I've got your file open here but it's pretty much just a medical record. None of the really important stuff." What surprises her more than anything is just how warm her voice sounds coming out of her mouth. She never knew she [i]had[/i] a voice like this. She's never had a sister. And it's too soon to have that thought. But if she did, and if it wasn't, is this what that would sound like? Or is it just... nostalgia, seeing her old augs looking back at her? "Do you mind if I ask you some questions? For instance, I'd love to hear about your hobbies. What sorts of things do you like to do for fun?"[/quote] "Girls! I mean, hanging out with thegirlsIhavealotoffriendsandweplayvideogamestogetherbutKalshimakesreallycoolmodelboatshaveyoueverbeenonaboatIimagineitsreallyromanticImeancoolandyouneedtohavereallysteadyhandsandherdadevenmakesboatsinsideglassbottleslikethatoneTinTincomicohboyisithotinherealsoIlikesportsandsuperpowersandIalwayssaidthatIwantedtobeinvisibleliketheBlackSunstealthteamandIcouldkindagoforsomeinvisibilityrightnowyouknowwhatImeanhahaanyway how are you?" saved it [quote=@Balmas]Brainstorm does his best to smile. "And boy, those Brainiac/Luthor teamup issues. No, no, I'm sorry, you don't deserve that. Right. Take the compliment." He groans, and slumps over the keyboard. "I just... I don't know what to say to him, you know? I look at the way I treated him and... Well, I want to do right by him. Want to do more for him than just shoving him into an oubliette and forgetting about him. But what do I even say? 'Oh I'm so sorry I tried to limit you before, so that's why I'm limiting you more than ever before?' But if I let him out, we're back to square one. How can there be any kind of reconciliation there?"[/quote] Bode stares at you blankly for a moment, forgetting to do even the very artificial body language motions. "Limitations are good, aren't they?" he asks, almost uncertainly - you get the feeling he's genuinely asking. "Everyone has limitations. Society is an elaborate set of limitations and rules and enforcement mechanisms. Why should you apologize for enforcing limitations?"