"Uh..." Don't laugh. Come on Euna, don't laugh! The poor girl's a mess. You're the one good thing she's got going for her right now and she just tripped and fell on her face in front of you, metaphorically speaking and-- [i]for fuck's sake why are you laughing?![/i] Like you'd have handled this any better at her age! Shit, like you'd handle this any better now! Errant leans forward. She presses her face into her hand: two fingers and her thumb across her forehead while the other two curve down past her nose. Her hair tumbles delicately across her face. None of it hides the grin splitting her from ear to ear. Her entire body is spasming with the effort of not collapsing in a fit of laughter. "Yeah," she says after what feels like three eternities, "Girls are pretty great." First official note for the record: it is very definitely the girl that Errant is responding to, and not the cybernetics. She sits up in her chair again and sweeps her hair back up and over her shoulders. Professional. Be professional. She's the adult in the room. "Would you like to start over? My name's Euna, what do you like to be called? Come on, second first impressions, let's go!"