[center][hr][hr][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5iMWRkZmMuVG1saElFTnNZWFpwY3csLC4wAAAA/lovers-quarrel.regular.png[/img][hr][hr][/center][indent] Nia shuddered slightly as they arrived, looking around a little nervously. Arcturus was right, something about this place was [i]weird[/i]. She felt like something was going to jump out at them at any second, making it difficult for her to pay attention to the conversation. Keeping in a whimper of fear, she lightly smacked her face to snap herself out of it. She was a wizard for crying out loud! She had her keys, her magic...everything was going to be okay. No need to get scared. Right? Tuning back into the conversation, Nia did look around at the mention of lights. Oh this place was definitely haunted, wasn't it?! Quietly taking in a deep breath, she rubbed her arms as she listened. Unfortunately, runes weren't her specialty, and she couldn't say she was a huge fan of splitting up--this was like a horror story waiting to happen! That said, however, they were here to find the lost child, and he could be by himself and in need of help. So she nodded in agreement at Karna's statement, uncrossing her arms as she took a hold of her keys. [color=lightskyblue]"Okay, if we're splitting up, then..."[/color] She took a few steps back as she unhooked a silver key. Brandishing it, she channeled her magic into the key. [color=lightskyblue]"[i]I call upon thee! Open, Gate of the Mirror: Meissa![/i]"[/color] With a flash of light, a small, pixie-like creature appeared, its wings fluttering as she formed a circle. Once the circle completed, it split into two and a pair of mirrors formed, floating into Nia's hands. [color=lightskyblue]"We can use this to communicate,"[/color] Nia suggested, offering the other mirror. [color=lightskyblue]"You know...just in case."[/color] She let out a nervous laugh. [/indent][hr][hr]