Leaving her twin sister behind was never easy for Yvonne, but it was especially hard when she wasn't sure how long she would be gone for, or if she would even return. There was always a risk going out to sea for a raid. No one was guaranteed to return. The sea was cruel, and men could be even crueler. With both battleaxe and shield strapped to her back, both of which had belonged to her father, Yvonne arrived at Hallasholm after a long journey on foot. She and her sister were quite poor, and so she had no horse. She was forced to make the long journey on foot, and her feet and calves were feeling the full effects of that now. Upon arriving in the village, her first stop was the inn to ask if anyone could tell her where she could find the [i]Wolfwind[/i]. Stepping foot inside the building, she discovered that it was rather crowded. Her small stature came in handy for once as she had little trouble slithering her way through the crowd up the bar. Yvonne leaned against the counter, brushed some stray strands of sandy-blonde hair from her face, and was about to ask the innkeep if he knew anything about the ship she was looking for when she overheard a man mention the [i]Wolfwind[/i]. She turned to see that the man who mentioned the ship by name was already addressing another man. She didn't interject into the conversation, but she did listen intently in hopes of gathering the information she required.