[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200422/01b463ae3686fb1af27b0116b58c7ba5.png[/img][/center] Erik had been preparing himself for this for what seemed like weeks now, maybe months? Finally, a chance to prove himself as a warrior. Truly there was no greater privilege in this life than to earn your place in Valhalla through the glorious raids. He made his final preparations and said his goodbyes to his family before setting off to Hallasholm. He had visited it a couple of times as a child when his father would bring Erik along to help sell fish at the market. However, this time he came as a man and was ready to set off straight away. However, food and drink was in order! Erik had found himself a table and was happily tucking into some boar when he had overheard the passing mention of the Wolfwind. He looked over and raised his tankard to cheer from his table. [color=#eee21e]"Skåll!"[/color] The young man cried out, despite his mouth still being half-full. He swallowed the bite of his meal and bought his tankard over to the people who were discussing the raid, although his long hair and lacking beard might've given off the wrong appearance. [color=#eee21e]"Did someone say the Wolfwind?"[/color] While he might've spent the first night alone it would seem he has found his new shield-brothers and shield-maidens. Best to get to know them now. [color=#eee21e]"Erik Sveinson."[/color] He introduced himself with a smile.