[hr][hr][table][row][/row][row][cell][indent][color=silver] The man Riley had followed up the stairs gave some instructions to the rest of the motley crew fate had decided to cobble together with the glue of "threat of demonic dismemberment." All of this after they descended back down from sealing one of said demons away. In a child's room. Riley had never liked seeing those things up close-- he wanted to get better about that kind of thing, but nothing seemed to help, like the antithesis of what was good about being human. He supposed that was why he was among the first to follow Large Man A's guidelines. There was the anti-establishment part of his brain, forever screaming at him that any form of guidance was oppression, rejection of all advice. Luckily, that part of him lost the argument to another part, one of the newer ones-- called 'Fear by being dismembered.' He figured doing what the man said would give him a break from thinking, that he could focus on the collective goal of making sure none of those other freaks go in. More useful than hyperventilating in some corner. Seeing as the arm chair was easiest for him to move on his own, he wordlessly began to move the thing to put some weight against the back door. Though, he heard the girl's offer of knives-- and reminded him to take her up on that when he was done doing whatever he could here. Maya cowered through all of this.[/color][/indent][/cell][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lYcLIGL.png?1[/img][b][color=silver]——————————————————————[/color][/b][right][color=1E46A8]MAYA STARLESS[/color] [color=986B40]RILEY LACEY[/color] [color=9873C9]TOM LACEY[/color][color=#2e2c2c][sup][sup]━[/sup][/sup]━━[/color][/right][b][color=silver]——————————————————————[/color][/b][/center][sup][color=lightgray] [sup][color=#2e2c2c]━━━[/color][/sup]🧭 Nowhere manor, Nevada [sup][color=#2e2c2c]━━━[/color][/sup]🕑 Evening [sup][color=#2e2c2c]━━━[/color][/sup]⛅ Red mist storm [sup][color=#2e2c2c]━━━[/color][/sup]🗣 Everyone[/color][/sup] [color=#2e2c2c]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/cell][/row][/table][table][row][/row][row][cell][indent][color=silver][hr]Tom meanwhile, had led Meifeng first to the kitchen (after introducing himself, of course, you monsters-- he's not rude), where he made sure no gas lines were actually turned on, and then to (eventually) the basement. Tom admitted that wishing for a fully stocked doomsday prepper shed was only going to lead to disappointment, so he didn't lead the way into the basement with much hope-- and while he didn't get a 20 year supply of toilet paper for his trouble-- the basement wasn't a bad find for a scavenger. Of course, while Tom and co. did their due diligence in turning new corners-- it could only help so much against in hiding from any other demons that could have gotten in. So as they descended, Tom spoke under his breath, at first mentioning that this was too dark to do this, then stopping himself from nearly cursing as he flicked on the light switch, only to have a series of hand strewed 20 watt light-bulbs illuminate the area around them. Private generator? Down here, at least. That could be good. Disorganized-- mostly containing odds and ends to versatile to be kept anywhere else in the house. Certainly not the wine cellar Tom was expecting. [sub][color=9873C9]"We need gauze, towels-- anything like that."[/color][/sub] Tom spoke. [sub][color=9873C9]"Your friend did a good job from what I could see, but we need to keep that wound packed and clean-- if we can get the girl to stay still long enough, and it stops bleeding we wont even have to remove the bullet."[/color][/sub] Honestly, he was happy that someone with something heavy to swing had come with him-- even if they just used it as an excuse to personally loot. He had to admit, he was looking for something heavy and swing-able in addition to the gear from the makeshift first aid kit they were forming. He doubted they would find gauze, but spare towels and linens could definitely do the job. Something to disinfect the wound, and plenty of stuff to pack in there. If she could be stabilized, that would save them the trouble of having to find forceps-- skipping instead to sealing... possibly with cauterization. Though, that was more for later-- they didn't need anyone screaming any time soon.[/color][/indent][/cell][/row][/table][hr][hr]