James looked at his watch and silently cursed his siblings under his breath. Sharing a room with two other boys wasn't easy, especially when he was supposed to wake up early. James naturally was an early riser, but that extra hour in the morning was vital to getting prepared for his first meeting with everyone. [i] Light shirt or dark shirt? [/i] He had debated with himself. The unnaturally light tone of his skin would stick out no matter what, but at least he wouldn't look too pretentious wearing all white. Nodding to himself, he had chosen a darker shade of clothing to throw on, before grabbing a bagel off his kitchen counter and running out the door. The building of the facility was intimidating. James ignored the nervous knaw at the pit of his stomach as he strode through the halls, only stopping at the reception desk to ask for directions. A short thank you and a few strides later and he was entering the meeting room. He clenched his jaw when he saw everyone already beginning to socialize, and stood up a little straighter. Everything seemed pretty relaxed, and for that James was grateful. In the end, he just decided to sit down next to some beefy looking guy, Mikhail, and twiddled his thumbs a bit.