“It definitely did.” Penelope agreed with a smile as he met her gaze. She looked back towards the river, quietly watching the moon’s distorted reflection. Her mind wandered to what her future would now look like. It had changed so much in the last two years that the knight was still mildly swept up in the fact that she would be remaining as a noble and with intentions to still marry Crow now that he was viceroy. The thief she had once chased through the woods around them was now her suitor. The thought keep a small smile on her face. She was drawn from her musings when she felt him bring his hand up to her cheek. Penelope shifted her gaze onto Crow again, his touch warm on her face that had been exposed to the cold weather. Her gaze drifted to his lips and she leaned in to meet his as he kissed her. Even though they were now courting, the most they had been able to get away with were just casual touches. The rarity of getting close like they were now sent her heart racing with excitement, even though the knight rationally knew they wouldn’t be able to take it any further due to the promise they made her father. She didn’t want to risk their courtship for just one night together after all. As he broke the kiss, an affectionate smile tugged on her lips at his words and a light shade of pink had risen on her cheeks from the kiss. Penelope met his lips eagerly once more as he kissed her again, drawn in both by her affection for him as well as how warm his touch felt at the moment. She fell back as he pushed her over and moved to rest one hand against his cheek as they kissed. When he finally drew back, a breathless laugh escaped the knight at his words and she grinned up at him. “And I think it’s safe to say, you steal my breath away.” she commented with a playful wink. Her expression softened as she looked up at him, feeling a swell of affection for her suitor. She moved her hand from his cheek to gently trace her finger tips over his jawline. “I hope you know just how much I love you.” she murmured before leaning up to press a tender kiss to his lips before pulling back to add with a smirk, “But if you don’t I’ll do my best to keep reminding you.”