[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/534494818479374336/662910095348203537/ginga.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] Delmina smirked, the narrows would work to her advantage here, meaning that the enemy could only engage with a small number at a time. [color=B8860B]"Deadly narrows,"[/color] she cooed as she raised her own shield and took a crouching position to cover herself more as she aimed her gun. The situation was near perfect for Delmina. All the enemies were in a line, meaning she could hit more of them as the bullets passed through, and there was nowhere for them to run from the onslaught of fire that was about to be unleashed. All she needed to do was to lower their front-line shields. To do that, she pulled the trigger and started to unload her barrage at the legs of the shield bearers, aiming to topple them over or stumble them. The moment they faltered, she would adjust her aim up to start shredding through the ranks of lost, ripping through their columns as they tried to advance. The barrage was constant and unrelenting, though for extra measure, Delmina saved up the ichor she would be receiving so that she could cast 'fleet of foot' on Bridget once more if the group of lost started to get too close.