[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TyHf5Um.png[/img][/center] [right][color=ff00ff][b]Location:[/b][/color] [color=silver] Parade Route —> Cabins[/color] [color=ff00ff][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] [color=silver]Lauren Jones - [/color][@Jinxer][/right] [hr] [color=silver]It was like a dream. There was no other way to describe the detachment Elsie felt. She could hardly feel her limbs, the solid collision of her boots against the parade route distant. Her ill-fitting uniform enveloped her in a stuffy warmth, leaving her thoughts hazy. Blood surged past her ears, dampening the sounds of geared up instructors flitting about above her. Though her chest was heaving and air was rapidly escaping her, she found she couldn’t feel the exertion. Perhaps this was a bad thing. Maybe it meant she was on the verge of collapse. She couldn’t tell, but the fact that she was keeping pace with the other girl meant she was fine, right? The other girl… Elsie peeked over once more, scanning her side profile through a slightly more positive lens. The pace they had kept up was impressive for their first PT, and the redhead hadn’t said a peep. Turning her attention quickly back to the parade route, Elsie nearly stumbled as the girl spoke up. Had she just been caught staring? [color=7ea7d8][b]"Lauren."[/b][/color] Through the thrum of blood moving past her eardrum, her voice sounded distorted, but Elsie heard her all the same. She nodded, flashed a thin smile, and continued running. Mentally, she scolded herself for not making an attempt at an introduction. When she looked back over, Lauren was already back in her own mind. Great. She must’ve seemed terrible. As they ran, Elsie tried and failed to work up the courage to put her name out into the open. Even as Lauren piped up again, she found herself floundering. [color=7ea7d8][b]"I'm looking forwards to some grub after this - I reckon they'll probably just serve us gruel or something what with it being the first day and all. Another punishment, like this one, right? Ma told me the first week would be the hardest but at least we're not one of those five poor sods or the rich-sounding boy!"[/b][/color] At the mention of ‘those five poor sods’, Elsie’s mind immediately went to Ezra. He was a capable boy in his own right, and she knew he’d never show weakness during his first trial, no matter how long it lasted. She wondered how he was getting along with the other boys. If he was talking freely like he usually did. Maybe it would be in her best interest to take after him in that regard. [color=ff00ff][b]”Maybe they’ll…”[/b][/color] She began, her voice weak and scraggly, coming out alongside pants. Clamping her mouth shut, she refused to complete her poor excuse for a joke. Had her face not been tinged red already, she would have looked like a beet. Still, Lauren persisted, and for that Elsie was extremely grateful. [color=7ea7d8][b]"Let's make this interesting - I bet you half a stale bread roll I can beat you back to the cabins?"[/b][/color] Elsie nodded at the challenge, a sudden determination filling her. She could do that. Running was far easier than talking. Putting on a burst of speed, she took long strides toward the cabins. As they grew closer, she mulled over the bet. Lauren had wanted her bread ration, which Elsie was fine without. If she won the bet, she’d have more food than she could eat. Maybe Lauren needed it more than she did? Maybe this would be the perfect opportunity for her to make a friend. Meters before the cabins, she began to slow her pace, the same way she would when she ran against the small children of her mother’s friends. Of course, she attempted to be more discreet, hoping it would be seen as her underestimating the remaining distance. As she slowed, Lauren would be able to rush past and effectively win the race. Moving to catch up with her, Elsie slowed to a halt at last. Just like that, her limbs felt bogged down, and her dreamlike state was ripped to shreds. She heaved quick breaths, before forcing herself to control her breathing lest she hyperventilate. Resting her hands atop her head, she sighed deeply, turning to Lauren with a huffing laugh. [color=ff00ff][b]”Half my loaf is yours.”[/b][/color] She dipped in a laughable bow. [color=ff00ff][b]”I’m Elsie, by the way. Elsie Taffer.”[/b][/color] She felt overly proud that she had managed to say her own name. [color=ff00ff][b]”You said something earlier, about your mom being in the military? What branch was she in?”[/b][/color] Elsie began, starting them on a walk toward the cafeteria. She was curious about Lauren’s mother, and what Lauren knew about the weeks ahead of them. [color=ff00ff][b]”Is that what brought you here….or were you just tired of wall life?”[/b][/color][/color]