Benjamin watched how Dia was removed from the cell and the guards were about to close the door. "Wait," he said quickly, "the deal was that if I'd take my medicine, I would be allowed to leave, right?" "That is true." "I'll take them now, give them." The guards looked at each other and nodded; something of Josh's words about compassion and fear and loneliness had lingered and they decided that since that was the deal they would allow him to leave this cell, if he'd take his medicine. "If you stay calm and take them, you are free to go." Benjamin held out his hand and received a cup with a powder that they quickly dissolved with water. WIthout a second thought he drank it and ran out of the cell. Tiffany looked at Dia with a strict look. "We sometimes have to force medicine on patients or put them in a safe place. We don't want that, but sometimes it's for the safety of other patients. And I don't know what a memopath is, but-" Something collided with her and she fell to the ground. After tackling the guard who held Dia, who fell against Tiffany, Benjamin grabbed Dia and helped her up. "Run," he instructed her. [hr] "I'm glad you're enjoying it," Marc said as he too cut a piece from the pie with his fork and brought it to his mouth. "We can come here as often as you like," he said. And of course as often as the psychiatrist would let her leave, but he didn't want to say those words out loud. "I was planning on staying here for an hour or so, read the newspaper, browse the books, and then go to a place to eat. What do you think?"