[centre][h1][color=f7941d]Miles Rockbell[/color][/h1] [u]Training Grounds[/u] [color=f7941d]----------[/color][/centre] The sound of Miles' boots hitting the dirt of the training grounds was a vicious cycle in how it bored his senses to the point of almost falling to sleep while they jogged. Being one of few males in his house had the unpleasant benefit of having all the heavy lifting and rigorous movement tossed onto him. So he was no slouch, but that didn't stop this exercise from being a drag on his body and mind. Not to mention there were the higher ranking officers watching from the sidelines that would give a harsh glare the moment Miles showed any signs of slacking off. This hostility most certainly had something to do with him fidgeting at the ceremony earlier. [i][color=f7941d]"I really didn't bother to think too far ahead did I?"[/color][/i] he thought to himself with a self-deprecating smirk on his lips. Miles, seeking someway to escape this reality for a moment, turned to his fellow punished Cadets. From what he had gathered, their names were Gabriel, Rogers, Ezra and Grant. There didn't seem to be any common theme for why Charles had pointed them out. Just a case of random bad luck. With nothing left to go off of, Miles spoke without hesitation after listening in on Gabriel and Grant's conversation, [color=f7941d]"Yeah, having a goal at the finish line helps. But, lets be real for a moment, it's pretty outrageous for us to be thinking about goals right?"[/color] Miles couldn't help but give off a small and short chuckle after that remark. As he had expected, his comment hadn't been one met with agreement. That being the case, as Rogers had spoken up next [color=fff200]"H- hey, just what are you trying to get at?"[/color]. The uncertainty in Roger's tone brought some entertainment to Miles, who he answered without much delay, [color=f7941d]"All I'm getting at is that a long-term goal is for someone who doesn't think they're going to die tomorrow. To keep sane and push yourself that's all fine and dandy, but as (soon-to-be)soldiers we don't know when our time is up."[/color] Despite the topic at hand, Miles spoke those words as if he were simply commenting on the weather. [color=fff200]"Is that really the kind of depressing thing you should be talking about on the first day!?"[/color] Spouted out Rogers in concern. Miles' eyes shifted to the side. He understood that way of thinking could be considered gloomy but to him..... [color=f7941d]"I like to think of it as being realistic. Maybe having a big goal just isn't good enough to motivate somebody. As an alternative I say we should focus on short-term goals. The type of goals that you have from day-to-day. That way even if you bite the dust tomorrow, you'll be satisfied from having completed the goal previously. Get what I'm sayin'?"[/color] Miles wasn't entirely sure if they got the picture or not, as he paused to let his gospel sink in. [color=fff200]"You sure talk a lot,...."[/color] Roger finally said hesitantly as the sweat from their workout became more and more apparent. [color=f7941d]"Really? I didn't notice. Anyway, here's my goal for today; to talk to atleast one of the cute girl cadets. So what about the rest of you guys? Think of this as an exercise to help bond with your fellow unlucky cadets..."[/color] To that little speech, Miles' eagerly awaiting their responses while trying to take his mind off their tiring jog. [@MsMorningstar] [@LordVoldemort] [@LetMeDoStuff]