Feral's advance was stopped not more than a few moments after it began. It seemed she had been correct; Retra did intend to plant obstacles in her way. It did not help that she had no inclination as to what the main obstacle was, either, though she could intuit that whatever signal the blinking purple drone was emitting probably wasn't good for her or her team. As she placed a hand on the hilt of her blade, two wolf-like robots seemed to drop down out of nowhere, and she grimaced. More obstacles. But a few robots wouldn't dissuade her from her mission. Dare her as they might, the glowering red eyes of these canine drones did not stop Feral from lowering herself to the ground and, in a sudden burst of motion, rushing towards the assembled enemies. It may have been two versus one in a confined space, but she didn't intend to engage with those kinds of odds. As she approached her target, she made a split-second turn to the right and launched herself skywards with the momentum of her charge. Coupled with the power in her legs, it propelled to the blank canvas that was the alleyway's walls. No sooner than her feet touched the surface did she enact her plan. Letting her knees bend to collect the force of her sudden lunge like a spring, she fired herself off the wall with all her might, moving above the three drones like a silver-and-black blur. As she passed above them, a single flash filled the luminescent cyberspace, and with it her job was almost done. The power of her second jump carried her all the way to the other wall, which she also bounced off of in a much like forceful manner, directing herself behind the assembled enemies this time and landing with a roll to disperse any excess momentum. As Feral stood, she turned, facing her foes—or the foe who remained. She had drawn her sword for the briefest of seconds as she passed above them, cutting a sharp arc across the neck of one of the dogs, and carrying that arc through to lop off the antenna of the blinking drone. She expected it to suffice in killing at least the first, and disabling the second. Now just the final dog remained, and for it she prepared to strike again.