[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RQaJfun.png[/img][h1][b][color=B22222]C L A R A[/color][/b][/h1][hr][b][color=gray]IFRISE FOREST — SOVEREIGNTY OF DRYADALIS[/color][/b][/center][hr] The malicious energies attacked Clara's senses from every possible direction, invading her body with the strangest, most dreadful sensation. The further the group ventured the heavier she felt, as if she was dragging her legs through a deep river of mud. Even the air itself started to feel like mud, becoming denser and thicker inside her lungs with every strenuous step she took. At this point, she was convinced she could even [i]smell[/i] something putrid in the air. It felt disgusting. Clara untied the shawl around her shoulders and wrapped it over her head, hoping it would shade the sweat that was pouring from her face. It was taking all of the little strength she had left just to keep a serious expression in front of the group, and that just made the sweating worse. Desperate to distract her mind Clara let her eyes wander, and by chance she was met with a smile from Pagonia. But as he spoke, Clara found herself caught completely off guard. It was the most basic of basic compliments, even a child could have come up with it. Yet Clara had never heard it from a stranger before, nor did she really believe it. In the past eight years she had become distrustful towards her magic, fearful, even, of its existence and her own incompetence. It was better hidden away from the world, as she had learned the hard way. Praesdium Terrae – Protection of the Earth. That was the name of her magic, yet it failed to protect her loved ones on the night they needed it the most. Now here this man was years later, thanking her for her efforts, praising her magic. Clara could only let out an uncertain chuckle. [b]"[color=B22222]I think [i]I[/i] should be the one thanking you for, you know, saving me from getting impaled,[/color]"[/b] Clara mumbled, forcing a small smile through her fatigue. [b]"[color=B22222]I would've hated to go like that.[/color]"[/b] Now it felt like the world was sinking, and Clara along with it. She started zoning in and out of the current conversation, just barely grasping the important details through her waning concentration. Although she had managed to keep a straight face for the duration of the journey, the haziness in her eyes was becoming apparent. Being hyped up on monster battle adrenaline was something she never knew she'd ever want, but it was probably what she needed to distract herself from the nausea simmering in her gut. Clara kept quiet through clenched teeth, praying it would subside with rest.