Maxs' eyes widened at the mention of the aliens just ending up killing them instead of attempting mutation. When Marcus hopped out, he and Eli followed suit. Max moved and grabbed his sniper from his case, moving to clip it onto his back as he looked to Eli. Eli quickly loaded his double glocks before he looked to Marcus. Eli nodded at the orders, following behind Marcus with Max tailing behind as he kept an eye out. As they moved, a few alien bugs scuttled across in front of the Humans. They were harmless, tiny crawler bugs; often used by the aliens as spies for their small size, but without someone controlling them, they were just mindlessly wandering around. The ship loomed over them, the air around it was thick. The ship gave a slow groan when the three men entered; their feet clanging against the metal flooring, the clangs echoed through the entire ship. An echoing sound of clattering and tapping footsteps echoed from the way where the smoke was coming from. Max hesitated, unclipping his gun as he held it in his hands and looked into the darkness of the shadows. Another echoing chatter came from deeper in the ship, bouncing around the walls. Eli lifted his guns up as he narrowed his eyes. He didn't like this place, it felt off, it felt [i]wrong[/i]. He felt like he was walking right into a trap of some sort.