[right][sup][color=firebrick]*Trigger Warning: Self-injury*[/color][/sup][/right] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pT29yFQ.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nuYw2pw.gif[/img] [sub][color=gray]Location | Dorms → Outside[/color][/sub][/center] [indent][color=FDF5E6]Wesley awoke rather uncomfortably today. Morning rays of sunlight crept in through the window, alerting him that he was not, in fact, a small sized animal chasing an even tinier mouse through some brush. He was a student, in his dorm room, and that was a [i][b]really[/b][/i] weird dream to have. Instead of waking up in a bed, like a normal person, he found himself curled up in one of two bean bags on his floor — a nearly impossible task given the lankiness of his limbs. His laptop was haphazardly lying on its side beside the bean bag, a grey screen asking if he was still watching. Clearly, he was not, and he had no idea how many episodes of [i]Narcos[/i] he had missed before said laptop had met its grounded fate. He wished he could say that waking up in strange places and positions was unusual... but... at least in these past couple of months, it was not. He slept anywhere, everywhere, and nearly [b]all[/b] the god damned time. It was about a week after this issue first started that he had made his way to the student health services to get tested for mono. Because, surely, that was the [i]only[/i] reason a person would sleep for over 15 hours a day for a whole week straight. Instead of mono, he left with a diagnosis of narcolepsy and an otherwise clean bill of health. So… he was narcoleptic, and [i]this[/i] was his new normal. Cool, great. These bouts of sleeping were usually followed by intense hunger, and this morning was no different. Wes kept a personal stash of food in his room for this very reason. All six feet of Wesley Slater stood up from the floor and stretched up towards the ceiling with a big yawn. Scratching at the mess of curls atop his head, he made his way to the snack stash and perused the goods. Most of it was shitty junk food and some granola bars… then his eyes settled on a jug of peanut butter chocolate protein shake mix; A gift from Leo so that he could “bulk up”. Wes wasn’t sure if he was actually capable of bulking up, but protein sounded good given that he wanted to go for a run this morning. He mixed the powder with some milk using the shaker bottle that he was also given by Leo. Shrugging, he tossed an experimental swig down the hatch. The chalky beverage turned out to be a piss poor excuse for a source of protein. It just left him craving meat more than ever. A thick, juicy, bloody hunk of meat… his mouth watered at the thought. Wes made a mental note to hit up the cafeteria after his jog. Lazily running a hand through his curls in lieu of a proper combing, Wesley went about getting ready for the morning. He was just about to go get sweaty, so a shower wasn’t in order yet. Instead, he pulled on a pair of athletic shorts and a simple t-shirt to run in. Grabbing his earbuds and school-issued phone off of the desk, Wes caught sight of the assembly of lines across his now-bared forearm. The macabre set of fleshy train tracks was haunting. The scars stunned him in a mental battle of confusion and denial. He… couldn’t [i]remember[/i] doing it… he didn’t know why he ever would do this to himself. The scars were long-since healed and yet the ‘why’ was a mystery to him, but the feeling he felt back then was familiar once again, and an overwhelming sense of shame filled him. Wesley tried to shake off the bad vibes and walked over to his dresser to get a hoodie. Pulling the garment over his head, Wes successfully covered it all up. Out of sight, out of mind… right? Popping in his earbuds, he let the newest playlist recommended by Theo fill his ears, pushing away any uninvited thoughts with smooth folky beats. Jogging down the stairs of his dorm building, Wes hoped that he might run into Teddy on his jog. The distraction would be most welcome.[/color][/indent]