[h3] Ferd Smith [/h3] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/x-files/images/8/89/Fox_Mulder_%281990%29.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20120326054947[/img] Ferd chuckled at Richards comment. "You said it, there aint no sun, and I've seen more than my fair share of strange things." Ferd frowned at the now cold butt in his mouth. He'd have to remember to get his own pack. He didn't want to keep bumming them off of others. Flicking the butt towards a pile of rubble near the stairs he continued, "In my experience it pays to be plenty careful. Careless men tend to pay for their carelessness in spades." Ferd paused and looked over his shoulder at Ambrose. Wow. What a change in countenance. Moments ago the man had looked like a predator sizing up it's meal, but now he was more comparable to a sheep. Head slightly bowed in embarrassment, and tone apologetic. Ferd decided he'd file that information on the man away for now. Could be important. He waved a hand, "Is what it is my man, don't fret over it. I imagine that men who have spent time in the ring, such as yourself, become accustomed to being ready for a fight at the drop of a hat." Ferd leaned against what he hoped was a sturdy section of wall, just past the kitchen entrance. Well that was unfortunate. He'd hoped one of the two men might have a closer relationship with Old Jeremy, or if he was really lucky, know something about the Harry fella. Oh well, he'd have to make due with what he had. Responding to both fellows, Ferd said, "Well not to much yet. When we got here the door was already the mess you see, which I assume can be blamed on the blokes that Harry said forced their way in to work him over. As for the rest of the house, well," Ferd waved a hand at the mess surrounding them. "I've actually been here before, a couple of years ago. The place looked much nicer back then, I'd of compared it to any of the respectable houses in Arkham back then. No rot, no rubble, and to top that the place is relatively new. Jeremy tore down the old place when he bought the land and built a brand new one in it's place, so there's no way this level of decay should have taken place, especially not since I was here last." Just then Ferd heard shouting from the streets. Moments later a small wiry man burst into the doorway. Ferd's eye's narrowed, and he said, "Apologies sir, but since you seem to have eavesdropped on our conversation I'll assume you saw the suspicion I treated these fellows with. It's nothing against you, but since we're all strangers and this seems to be a bit of a strange situation, I'm going to have to ask for your name. If it matches one of the letters which I've received curtesy of Val here, then we wont have a problem." He glanced around the room, "I hope no one has any objections, as I said I simply don't see how some caution could hurt here."