[hr][hr] [center][color=CD5C5C][h1]Evelyn Holder[/h1][/color] [h1]&[/h1] [color=LightSlateGray][h1]Casey Frazier[/h1][/color] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c90b3cc752388db5bca3278b6b47e87d/tumblr_oym4xmaA4E1up42jgo5_540.gifv[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/44c41684f11f838d8a655c4afd9820f6/tumblr_inline_pmg9mn8J5E1sj4xno_400.gifv[/img] [I]Location: Unknown Skills: [color=LightSlateGray]N/A[/color], [color=CD5C5C]N/A[/color][/I][/center] [hr][hr] Evelyn followed the others along listening to them as they spoke, while still being on full alert looking around for anything that could jump out at them. She just hoped that there wasn't any kind of sewer monster that jumped out at them that would really suck as well, Evelyn stared at Longshot. She didn't know what he meant by Spinless ones, but she assumed that it was Mojo, she adjusted the blaster rifle that she managed to snag off of the stormtrooper wannabes she was glad to have a better weapon not that she didn't mind the knives that she found either. [color=CD5C5C]"Lets just hope that she shows up right away and we all can get back to normal and back home, I really hate being this short."[/color] Evelyn said, until they were now at a ladder looking towards Sapphire for a moment and gave her a slight smile. [color=CD5C5C]"I'll go next then."[/color] She said as she started to climb up the ladder shortly behind Longshot strapping the rifle over her shoulder as she did so. And came up to the surface seeing what looked like a large tent city at least they weren't in the sewers anymore. Casey looked towards Sapphire and gave a slight shrug and followed shortly behind Evelyn until she was on the top again stepping aside to let the others get up as well. Seeing the large tent city of sorts, and some of the people waving at Longshot she still wasn't to sure if he could be trusted but they didn't have a choice really either. [color=LightSlateGray]"We just need to find building to lay low in then, or a tent I guess."[/color] Casey said, as she looked down at the others who were still down there. [color=LightSlateGray]"It's safe to come out."[/color] Casey said as she scanned the area, though anyone of them could be someone who worked for Mojo they didn't make themselves known yet. Casey strapped the rifle she snagged earlier over her shoulder, but she eyed them individually if they did attack or did anything suspicious.