[b]"You aren't in a hurry, are you?[/b]" Matilda asked the Major with a smirk on her lips. Her question was playful and warm, a stark contrast to the stiff formalities that Arthur was accustomed to at these events. [b]“No, not at all Miss Farr,[/b]” Arthur said, not sure how to respond. Pausing for a second and lowering his voice so only she could hear. “[b]Unless if you are in a hurry I can always swing you over my shoulder and march you out[/b],” he said with a slight smile. As soon as the words left his mouth he regretted what he said; not sure if a joke in jest would be appropriate for a time like this. Not wanting to wait for a response he led the way to the awaiting carriage. All this time ignoring the onlooking smile of the Colonel. Arthur made it to the carriage first and awaited for Matilda to slowly make her way to him with the Brunette assisting her along the way. The evening sun had just set, bathing the outside air in an orange hue and painting the sky a myriad of shades of purple, oranges and red. As Matilda approached he opened the carriage door. [b]"Are you sure that you don't mind leaving so early? I don't want to inconvenience you."[/b] Truth be told, he welcomed the opportunity to leave the awkwardness and formality of the event. He had came at the request of his Commanding Officer to introduce himself to the local Landowners of Appleby. Furthermore, the only person in that Hall of any interest to him was now boarding a carriage to go home. [b]“Miss Farr, I know no one there tonight except yourself and my fellow Officers, and quite frankly you are far more pleasant company than any of them.”[/b] Seeing her hesitate infront of the step onto the carriage, Arthur climbed in first and outstretched his hand.