[CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/50ciWlY.png[/img] [h3]S a n d o E v e n i n g[/h3][/CENTER] [hr]Hawke, and all the others who paid August a gaze wouldn’t get the chance to see him return it but they would certainly feel it. A deep, ceaseless stare to the depths of one’s soul. Regardless, beyond dissuading prying eyes the Knight knew that there were actual, serious things being discussed. The two main options provided were to either be aboard a schooner, or to be riding one of the boga as a sort of vanguard. There was an exchange between the more experienced Sunrunners and the zitan was volunt-told that it would be on the schooner. It. Really he couldn’t stop himself from thinking of zitans as things, rather than people. If one used the plural “we” or spoke of themselves in the third person then really it is their own fault if they weren’t considered a person. Well, he couldn’t argue with the logic of putting the creature on the schooner. Likewise, a dwarf seemed far better to stay on the defence and rearguard especially with his background in the engineers. The remark as they discussed the situation further humoured the stern warrior. August truly hadn’t dealt with many zitan in amicable situations before, and honestly hadn’t known one to be able to actually properly speak with any sign language beyond a gesture identical to the human wave of a fist. This one being literate was an exception, and both Hawke and Torvin spoke in a way that highlighted that. Turning his head to some noise which it seemed was the beginning of Asante speaking, an eyebrow was raised in the depths of the Paladin’s helmet as he spoke. Well, that was a plus one to the count of people who were going to be mounted rather than going on the schooner. Between the boy and the stuttering of the lassies the group certainly seemed to be lacking in experience. Of course, the dwarf and the fae were likely several times his age. But that didn’t necessarily mean they could compensate for the… kids. Then again, one shouldn’t be quick to judge a book by its cover a part of Augustus reasoned. After all, he wasn’t too different at their age and it wasn’t long before he was a Knight rather than just pretending to be one. However it also had to be said that the period of “it wasn’t long” was long enough that hundreds of youths like him were weeded out in the way that leaves you twelve feet under so long as you were marginally less lucky than he. Looking side to side Agust gave a shrug that was the international sign of “why the fuck not”, before raising a palm in a combination of hailing and salute. “I may ride along on my horse, if we shan’t have to scale any walls.” The Knight stated, his words echoing within his helmet and yet not losing any volume or depth. Walking over he stroked the creature’s barded mane, the noise of the beast giving the slightest hint of a smile upon the human’s face. “But if we must, then I may ride the schooner. But I must ask a corollary question: when do we leave? When must we arrive?”[hr] [center][sup]H e a l t h : ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 100% E f f e c t s : None (?) W i t h : Sunrunner party N o t e s : None [/sup][/center]