Hello. For those who don't know me I'm Blue Demon or BD. I've fallen away from writing on sites (not in general) for the past few years. Being trapped at home because of current events has given me a lot of time on my hands. So I'm back. Though a very large heads up, my life is kind of crazy so if I don't reply for a while, I probably forgot about this site completely. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if that bothers you, which I totally understand if it does, it's probably best to click the back button now. [u]The nitty gritty[/u]: Currently I have nothing better to do so I'll probably reply quite often. Once I get back to work it will be weekends only. I ask for 2+ paragraphs. Nothing fancy, just give me something to work with. Or give me a novella and I'll give you one back. I'm ace (and very LGBTQ+ friendly), so absolutely no smut. Thanks in advance. [u]Eras[/u]: High Republic Before KOTOR Clone Wars Era Sequel Redux [u]Characters[/u]: I only do OCs as mains. Canon characters can be side characters but I'm not going to double for you.