"Well, I can assure you - that I do mind the solitude." Matilda smiled, "So, keep conversing or I shall probably pass out." Arthur returned the smile. Even in this short period of time with her, the memories of those pleasurable weeks in Bath flooded back to him. As fast as those happy memories arrived, were they quickly replaced by regret. Three years had gone by; he had not once expressed his fondness nor desire to meet her since saying his farewell. He did not write nor seek her out when he arrived back in the country. To be honest, Matilda did not even enter his mind as soon as he stepped onto the ship, and when he was posted to Appleby, Matilda was far from his mind. For all he knew, she could be already spoken for and set to be married. "Alice, my friend. She was dancing with one of your officers. What's his name? I know that she will repeat it to me constantly over the coming weeks, so I think it would make sense to get a headstart." Arthur paused momentarily. He had no interest in spending the limited time they had together discussing the character of a potential suitor for her friend. However, to humour her, he answered her question. [b]“Alice, I presume is the brunette that helped you to the carriage. Lieutenant Barnes is his name. A fine officer from a good family. Now is he a scoundrel? Well whether he would be a scoundrel before or after a potential marriage is really determined by the size of her dowry.”[/b] If she was from a wealthy family then Barnes would see her as marriageable material. He did not like to speak ill of his friend Lieutenant Barnes. He was a courageous and loyal soldier who had on numerous occasions put his life on the line for his fellow soldiers, including himself. But the truth be told, as it was with many gentlemen and officers, he often allowed his hormones to think for themselves. Wanting to direct the conversation away from the exploits of his younger officer he turned the question back onto Matilda. [b]“How about yourself Matilda, are there any terrible scoundrels in your life?”[/b]