Artemis realized that he was in fact a complete carnivore, there was no way that he could choose to just eat vegetables. No wondered he hadn’t touched the dinner that she had made, he wasn’t able to even process it. “I understand,” she said as she nodded, watching him further. Tense about the idea that he was coming closer and closer to her. She could see that his eyes had changed, his body became tenser and she knew that it was the same look as a panther looking at something new. Looking to see if it was a friend, foe, or a prey. She didn’t want to become that last one, so she just tried her hardest to remain calm. Cocking her head to the side as she knew that she had no chance against him when it came to a fight. She didn’t have anything to defend her, and even if she could do that. She wouldn’t if she even moved in the wrong direction. She was dead. “I know… Humans kill Lunvalgan. Humans kill humans, humans kill.” She said as she then looked at him as she felt the urgency in which he spoke. Sadness coming to her as she realized there was only a handful of his kind that was surviving, yet she barely saw any females either. It seemed like it was a dying race and she wondered why it made her so sad. She was very well aware that humans would kill them all and so she watched as he was almost standing right in front of her. Looking up as she nodded. “Humans would kill all Lunvulgan. No more Lunvungan.” She said as she wondered if that was what he meant. “You kill humans, so they don’t kill Lunvulgan.” She said as she froze completely when his hard claw moved against her neck. She swallowed down the spit as he seemed to act as if he wanted her dead. When he moved his claw to wrap it around her neck, she just froze completely. Only to realize that he just hovered it around her neck. Just one move and he would be able to just squeeze her neck, one swift move and she would be his meal. Her body started shaking, realizing that it was a far more primal response than what she ever had felt. Every fiber in her body knew that he was far more of a danger. That he was higher up the food chain as a human. How was she going to show him that she didn’t want to be like others? And so she just looked up at him. “Humans bad. I wish I wasn’t human. Humans were violent. I’m not violent.” She said as she wondered if he even would understand. “I won’t kill Luvungan. I want to help.” She said as she wondered how the hell he even would understand. “I helped you hurt.” She said as she wondered if that would even make him understand. She wanted so much more from him, she wanted to know more about his creatures and so she swallowed and wondered how she was going to show him that she meant well. She wished she could show him a video, or something else that showed him that she meant what she said, that she wasn’t lying to him. “I won't lie to you.” She said as she wondered if Alexa, the AI in her home could even help them. She realized that maybe there was a fertility issue at their kind since she only had seen a handful of females of his kind. “Alexa, please show IVF” she said as she knew the computer would answer. The robotic voice answered and then there was a video of a woman crying at a doctor’s office. Then it would switch to that of her taking pills, only to be followed by the whole process of IVF. The attempts at giving women their own children. It would also show the fact that humans had 22 chromosomes and one extra that made up if you were male or female. It also had shown the base of their DNA. Little did she know that it looked a lot like their DNA as well, at least the basic building blocks. What she didn’t expect was the video to go on with showing how they used that in horses as well. To use a surrogate mother to care for the foal of another. She hoped that her guess was correct and that he indeed had issues with fertility. “I won’t kill you.” She then said once more. Taking a deep breath as she looked into his eyes and then gently moved her free hand over his own. “Go ahead. Kill me. I won’t fight.” She continued as she hoped that he at least would be doing it quickly. She didn’t want to suffer, she knew he would find a way out of this place anyway. His kind would be better for the earth anyway. She just didn’t want to die, she wanted to learn more and she just hoped she would even be able to teach him about the internet one day. The humans had a lot of knowledge and maybe she could even have his kind restore it all. She was just sad she wouldn’t be there to see it happen.