Cora let herself be pushed from the tent by Akane, and gave one last long look at Illyana before they exited. The girl had her eyes fixed on the dirt beneath her shoes, distress clearly written across her face. The mermaid frowned, but said nothing. She hated to see someone that she cared about in this much pain, especially after everything that Illyana and Lucien had done for her. She hoped that they would figure everything out sooner rather than later, and that Geralt also got to stay. But something still bothered her about Illyana's reaction. Clearly, there were things about the trio of them, Aurel included, that the rest of the troupe members didn't know. She turned to the night sky as they left the tent, marvel ling at it's beauty. Where she had come from was like a mirror to that, so much darkness with so many little stars to light the way. They were like stars, she and her companions, she just hoped that they were not drifting too far apart. As they walked, Cora absently let her cheek slide to the side and felt it brush against Akane's hand. The Kistune must have seen the mermaid's face and been concerned, for she had placed her hand on Cora's shoulder. Cora looked down at it, then glanced up at Akane and smiled. The Kistune smiled back and was about to withdraw her hand, but Cora laid her cheek against it, comforted by the closeness between them. She hoped nothing this frightening would ever happen to drive them apart. -------------------------------- Illyana felt the heat rising in her face as angry energy tore at the seams of her carefully constructed demeanor. Normally, she was very practiced at keeping herself distanced from emotions, as powerful ones had a tendency to overwhelm her, but now it seemed that she was unable to. Memories, and for once her own, were flashing through her head at light speed. She was lying in a bed, fast asleep with Lucien and Aurel. The three of them had been reading and drifted off when she was a girl. Then, she was riding on someone's shoulders. He was so tall that she thought she could touch the sky. She and Aurel were alone in their tiny room and she was telling him all sorts of things about different animals, cold and warm blooded. He was interested, and sometimes would sketch them from her descriptions. All four of them, their little "family" sitting in camp chairs under the stars, eating a meal that had been prepared for them over an open flame, saying nothing, but happy...content with what they had. But she didn't feel that way now. She was not content, she was not happy. She had never gotten what she wanted from this relationship with Lucien, but for a long time it had been enough. Was she, was Aurel, no longer enough for him? She had already been unworthy of the love of her parents once, she could not let that happen again. And all for what, for some stranger who waltzed into their lives like he knew them? Like he owned them? No. If Lucien wanted him, he would have to choose. [color=598527]"I know that you did what you think is right, Lucien, you always do. I'm not questioning you or your actions, but I don't trust [i]that[/i] man."[/color] As she spoke, her voice started out in a low tone and she gently raised her eyes, and in them the torture she was feeling was sure to be clear. [color=598527]"Of course I would never react this way if Ivory or Cora or Akane did this...they're like...they're my friends. But Geralt is not. You talk about him like he's one of us, like he's earned the right to be here beside us, and he hasn't. There is something wrong here, Lucien. I don't know why you can't see it like I can."[/color] She was pleading with him now, moisture collecting in the corners of her eyes. [color=598527]"He's secretive, and mean-spirited, and sometimes openly hostile."[/color] She glanced back over her shoulder at Aurel when she said this, [color=598527]"He makes us uncomfortable to be around him and I [i]know[/i],"[/color] she placed a hand on her chest, over her heart as she said this word, [color=598527]"there is something sinister behind his charm and his...the way he looks at you. He wants something from you, Lucien. I just wish I knew what it was..."[/color] At this, her vision clarified slightly and she looked Lucien directly in the eye. [color=598527]"He's not the person...the man you want him to be, Lucien. He isn't....he's not who you're looking for."[/color] Illyana knew that when these words left her mouth that she was crossing the line. She had never spoken to Lucien openly about this before, and she knew to avoid the subject because it would only hurt him. But she couldn't stop herself once she began. It needed to be said. There were some people that could never be replaced, and Faolan was one of them. Not for Lucien, and not for Aurel, and not for Illyana. For a long time, she knew Lucien would never try...but now, she wasn't so sure.