[center][hr][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yUj5hY5.png[/img] [hr][hr] [/center] After delivering the messages to their respected residents, the old Courier would be left with only one last letter. However, unlike the others, he knew who the person was. It was for one "William E. Buckland", a retired sheriff who was in charge of a pre-industrial Talonwood. He was in charge for a good 20 years before he relieved himself from his position, just before the town's great expansion. Now he lives alone on a small farm just outside of town, where he'd remained ever since. It would take him a solid twenty minutes from his current location, but eventually the courier would arrive at Buckland's little farm. It was already fifteen minutes after nine by the time he arrived. He found himself standing a good meters away from the old cabin's door, blankly looking at it for a solid second before returning to life. The courier hadn't seen the ex-sheriff since he departed from his duty and while he considers him as a friend, he'd hesitate in wanting to speak to him. After all, it was late and no doubt he would prefer to be alone at this hour. Like before, the courier would send out his post-pterosaur as it fluttered towards the house. It would notice the front window that was already opened and quietly perched on the windowsill. It made little noise as it cautiously entered the house, its huge eyes quickly darting from corner to corner as it attempted to locate the owner. But no later as it stepped foot into the household, a raspy cawing hiss would rapture from the darkness as another flying creature emerged from the messenger's left. It was a large [url=https://pteros-img.imgix.net/dimorphodon-macronyx_julio-lacerda.png?w=2000&fm=jpg&auto=compress]dimorphodon[/url], famous for their large head-to-body ratio and the vane situated on their long tail. While it was considerably small in human standards - being 1 meter in length with a 1.45 meter wingspan - it was still large enough to kill the smaller Jeholopterus. The anurognathid screeched loudly as it hastily dropped the envelope and fluttered back to its master before they both hastily retreated into the night. The dimorphodon cawed loudly as it flapped its wings in a victory pose. Yet its ruckus would be successful in awakening the inhabitant from his room - none other than [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/media_assets/images/images/000/212/260/medium/Sheriff_Final_copy.jpg?1523710028]William Buckland[/url] himself. [b][color=a9a9a9]"Hell,"[/color][/b] the ex-sheriff cursed as he rubbed his forehead, [b][color=a9a9a9]"Quiet down! Just what's the matter with you, Casper?"[/color][/b] The smiling pterosaur cocked his head at his owner, chattering his teeth in rapid succession to form a friendly greeting. He'd peck the envelope to show William the curious envelope he retrieved from what he believed to be an intruder. [b][color=a9a9a9]"A letter?"[/color][/b] he asked confusingly, [b][color=a9a9a9]"At this hour? It must be darn important if that's the case."[/color][/b] The old man glanced down and plucked it from the table, carefully opening it. He rubbed his bone-white mustache as he began to read the contents. Buckland took a deep sigh once he finished, nodding at the task that was lain before him. He had been waiting his letter for a long time, perhaps a little too long in fact. Already he had everything in place for the event of such a rapid departure for the past six months. He had his gear, his mount, and most importantly the new owner of his little farm. Due to the fact that no one wanted to buy his property, he planned to give it to his younger brother who lived a few miles to the south and have him deal with the property. Quite frankly, Buckland knew that this was a risky and bold investment. But really what's more that he could loose at this point? Or know what to do here for that matter? Casper chatted curiously as his owner turned to scratch the side of his beak. [b][color=a9a9a9]"Well lil' bud."[/color][/b] he stated with a light smile, [b][color=a9a9a9]"The time has finally come. We'll be leaving first thing, tomorrow."[/color][/b] With that, he closes the window and shuts the blind. They had a long day ahead of them. [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UHwbSqw.png[/img] [/center] [hr][hr] [indent][i][color=c39b77][b]"April 16th, 7:09 AM Location: Talonwood Settlement, Jura Forest"[/b][/color][/i][/indent] With the morning fully underway, Buckland quickly packed any last minute supplies that he believed he would need. He already had his guns, a few minor tools, rations, blankets, amongst others, but he wanted to be completely sure that he was at the very least comfortable in the long journey ahead. He gathered the skinned bags as he exited the backdoor and walked towards the stable with Casper on his shoulder. [b][color=a9a9a9]"C'mon Charlyne!"[/color][/b] he whistled as he opened the thick wooden gate. From within, he would see a large creature lazily rear her head to greet the old man with a snort. Charlyne was a fully-grown female [url=https://animalzoom.ru/sites/default/files/dinozavri-37-2.jpg]Iguaunodon[/url], a beautiful brown and white-striped specimen who had served Buckland for years as his trusty steed. She met him when she was only a hatchling and with his great care and service she had made a collective bond with her owner. Until now, she had also been living quietly on the farm, usually seen grazing upon the pastures amongst a small flock of smaller [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/66824413c9ceea37b2d61ad49c818d6c/tumblr_inline_o8zt68rUsR1rx4yme_1280.png]Gideonmantellia[/url] during the day. Now she too will go on the long journey west to find new and fresh pastures on which to feed. Buckland gently caressed the creature's boxy head, feeling her hot breath gaze the side of his face. She could also feel like something was different, making her a tad bit antsy and uncertain. [b][color=a9a9a9]"Eaaasy girl."[/color][/b] the man whispered softly as he patted her neck softly, [b][color=a9a9a9]"It's gonna be ok."[/color][/b]. The iguanodon began to slowly calm down, as if she was coming to agreement of what was about to come. Once she was a little calmer, Buckland would set the saddle and supplies on her back before getting on himself. Once on, Casper would descend and perch on his owner's shoulder, clattering his jaws in anticipating excitement. With everyone now aboard, Buckland grabbed ahold of the reins and signaled for her to move. [b][color=a9a9a9]"Onward!"[/color][/b] he called as they would officially departure for their journey to Lakewood.