[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia[/center][/h2] [center]No-Man's Land, Land of Adventure-> Spiral Mountain, Land of Adventure[/center] [center]Lvl 4 (34/40) -> Lvl 5 (0/50) [/center] [center]Word Count: 690 words[/center] Geralt groaned as Blazermate's healing beam closed his wound, the wound disappearing in a mere moment. "Thanks for the help." He gruffly commented, giving the medabot a nod as he took off back into the fray, only to realize that the battle was essentially already over. Screwing his face up in faux frustration, the Witcher set about collecting a few Spirits from the Primids before sighing. He made sure to grab the Armight's spirits as well, wondering what he could do with them. He hadn't really stopped to think on these spirits much, let alone consider what they could do for him. Still, now was, yet again, not quite the time to deal with that problem. They had more important issues to deal with, whatever those ended up actually being. This G-rank hunt was already showing to be quite the problem, and this was only the beginning. As they moved through the canyon, Geralt found himself reminded of his short journey through worlds with Avallac'h. Strange landscapes that would have been impossible back on the Continent or the Skellige Isles. It was almost as if their path had been tailor-made to both allow them passage, and force them to abandon their vehicles. Curious as he found that, Geralt pressed on with the others. The tunnel they found themselves entering made him uneasy, too many memories of drowners and nekkers making residence in caves coming to mind. As they came upon the valley, Geralt found himself somewhat perplexed at the massive stone head that watched over them. His own head cocked to the side for a moment, before the Master Hand appeared. The shield that appeared around him was both familiar and not, causing Geralt to frown. The voice that came out of nowhere shortly after, however, made the Witcher [i]scowl.[/i] Did he say THIRTEEN? That meant they had a dozen more powerful enemies to fight, more powerful than anything he'd faced since appearing here? Of course there were. The bright flash of light nearly fried Geralt's pupils, but he averted his eyes, blinking as the tower faded into existence. "Wonderful." He deadpanned. Another sorceror. What was with those bastards and their towers, anyway?! The figures atop it, however, gave him pause. Most of them were wielding weapons similar to the Courier's and Michael's oversized 'rifle.' Frowning as he vaguely recognized Link as yet another of those damned hero kids, Geralt sighed. There was no way he could get at them from down here. They were nearly a hundred meters up, and there was more than enough distance between here and just the base of the spiraling mountain where they could be picked off. All that thought went out the window when Peach yelled, Geralt reacting without caring why. He moved, avoiding the incoming fire, and took cover behind the crest of a small hill, looking around for a way to get closer. He didn't fail to notice Euden getting speared by the strange projectiles, nor him turning into a [i]gods-be-damned statue![/i] If one hit was all it took, Geralt was at a crippling disadvantage. There was no way he could approach without getting shot, and he had nothing at hand that could help. A couple of grapeshot bombs, some dimeritium, Cat, and Swallow. Only his Hanged Man's Venom would be of any use, and that still required him to both get close, and cut them with his sword without being crushed to death by that giant troll with a bow! Cursing to himself, Geralt looked to the others as they started using the resources available to them to create distractions, advance on their enemies, or in Linkle's case, rescue their ally. [i]Now's as good a time as any[/i], he thought. As the others acted, Geralt charged forward, his eyes watching the enemies above, and broke into the rank of shambling once-dead humanoids that Blazermate had summoned. He wasn't one for necromancy, but he'd let Yennefer mostly get away with it, and this woman had just helped save his life, after all. Besides, weren't these just...spirits? Not really living souls anymore? Just husks? Yeah, that was fine. Probably.