Max nodded and stayed behind them both. His fear was bubbling over, but somehow he managed to keep himself quiet; feeling his will to help whoever they were here for. He looked towards Eli, who had glanced towards him before they all moved along. The sound of scratching echoed through the area for a moment before it suddenly stopped as the men moved. More sounds of scuttling echoed from deeper in the ship. Eli lifted up his guns and narrowed his eyes, "Right." He agreed before he kept his attention up. Deeper in the ship, a few of the alien drones clambered around almost awkwardly; they both looked at each other and gave a small trill of clicks and whistles before looking towards the figure against the wall. They were breathing at least, much to the drones relief. [i]"Should we bring her to the queen yet?"[/i] The smaller one started, the taller one shook its' head. [i]"If she sees we bring what she would think to be human she would kill her and us."[/i] It responded, [i]"We need to wait."[/i] [i]"How long would it take?"[/i] The smaller one started as they stepped towards the figure again, moving a spindly arm to lift the young womans' head up. The other one stayed silent, their three pairs of eyes focused on the darkness of the hallway. [i]"Humans."[/i] The smaller Drone let the womans' head drop down softly before they moved to grab their own guns that were leanign against the walls as they seemed to have been relaxed.