The group observed the Stasis pod shaking violently, Hirog decided now was the best time to act on his ambitions. "The pods going to explode it's an imperial trick gaurds!" The guards took the clone trooper aside and tossed him to the ground Earen noticed something off in Hirogs urgency however "Kriff was that Hirog!" "As Admaral Ackbars aide I outrank you merc. Keep your nose out of my business I need to get this to fleet command stat." Hah and that fool captain of this ship was his former position and cunning make Hiromi control absolute! "Ill be taking this personally as you good soldiers deal with this...vat grown automaton." As soon as Carter hits the deck his training kicks in and he rolls back to his feet and into a fighting stance. He’d take these people on non-lethally, he decided, for now at least. One of the guards charge him, so Carter simply takes a step diagonally forward and decks them, flipping them to the floor. The next raises his rifle which the clone bats to the side before delivering a swift uppercut to floor them too. “These are the fighting forces nowadays?” He asks to nobody in particular as he draws his blaster pistol “laughable.” The bolt dings harmlessly off the metal of the stasis pod, mere centimetres from Hirog’s head “I don’t take kindly to liars and cheats. Try that again and the next one will be in your head. Understood?” “AHHHH HELP!” Hirog begged as he sped off on top of the grav loader at top speed with the clone trooper chasing right after him and firing blaster bolts at the retreating Hiromi. “Oh dammit….Holdo you better kriffing pay me EXTRA for this!” The Mercenary began to give chase. “Wait get back here! Has everyone on this ship gone mad?” After assuming he lost his pursuer Hirog began to plan to make it to his ship for his hasty getaway. Heheheh with this Sith Artifact in the hands of the Hiromi Empire the New Republic and Empire will be forced to bow before Hiromi Might! I am a true genius! Unfortunately the Hiromi spy failed to notice that he was still moving at a fast pace and reached a wall. “Nonononono!” Hirog shouted as he fruitlessly tried to take the controls but it wasn't enough to decelerate and both the Hiromi spy and his prize bashed into the hallway wall of the ship. “Hirog what the hell are you doing! We were talking sense to that clone before….why is that pod broken?” Holdo began scolding her peer but was immediately disterbed by the imminent threat she witnessed from the fact...the pod had a large hole in it. “Oooooh my thorax….wait that's not supposed to be there!” Hirog began to gulp as he noticed two humanoid hands began to make the hole larger...somehow the occupant inside the pod possessed unnatural strength in defiance against its Humanlike appearance. “Oh….I woke it up..” Hirog immediately began to hide behind Holdo. “Oh yeah, I forgot to mention she was biomechanically enhanced a bit.” Carter says, quickly bullshitting an excuse to explain away the superhuman strength “Not much mind you, just enough that she can protect herself in case of… Oh I dunno, a Hiromi kidnapping her?” He steps forward to the pod, awaiting his target to step outside. “Miss Vehia?” The being that exited the pod had humanoid qualities but pale skin with a reddish hue and strange and primitive clothing. Rather then answering the Clone it picked him up by the throat one handedly and tossed him into the Vice Admiral and the cowering Hiromi. "Ack! Ow, okay…" Carter slowly stands up. "Heck of a way to greet me ma'am, could you please calm down a little? We mean you no harm, I was assigned to be your bodyguard…" She spoke in an inhuman tongue, a language of a race long since dead 4 millennia ago. 'So the chance I'm going to just have to murder everyone here to keep her secret keeps going up and up…' carter thinks with an internal sigh Suddenly New Republic soldiers began to arrive with Earhen in tow. “Alright clone drop the the-. Why is the Pod broken?” He turned to see the strange pinkish red tinted woman and took a step back. He had only been told the basics of the Sith’s hisstory due to his proximity with the Empire’s masters but he knew enough that the Sith were a race at one point...and red skin was a feature. That pod was in a Sith Temple on a Sith world; it didn't take an expert to deduce what was going on. “Ohhhh Kriff.” The Woman turned her Scarlet eyes on Earen. “Uh..hello?” “Look… I have no idea what you are saying...we can get you food or a hologame or…” She was not in the mood to be placated, there was an usurper to her Masters Rule. “...can someone get a translation droid?” The Pink skinned woman noticed the Human could not comprehend her...her grasp of basic was shaky but she could tell that much now. “Assassin where is place??” “On a ship its a long story…” “Want off need travel home. You will take me or die!” “Uh that's a lot of conditions for someone who just showed up here!” She ignored his comment and sized Earhen and bulldozed past the Republic soldiers. “Heeeeelp!” he screamed as she dragged him away. “Wait I need her to come with me!” Hirog shouted “Take me to ship need leave.” “I didn't get paid yet lady.” “Not caring” “Stang you wookiee woman! I need my credits!” “What is stang? Never minding take me to ship or die!” To say that Vice Admiral Amalyn Holdo’s day had gone from mundane, to annoying, to bad, to worst was the mother of all understatements. -I should have just stayed home, listened to slam poetry and drank bean milk tea prepared by male attendees. Why did I ever decide to join the Republic Navy. Oh, right because the Empire bombarded one of our colonies on system poetry month and outlawed the scarves and hairstyles everyone wore. She suspected the Emperor didn’t actually do that, but the planetary governor did it to be petty. And when Endor happened the private militias of the wealthy got merged into the Navy and part of her compensation was being made an Admiral. Borsk Fey’la was so progressive, she could never understand why everyone else in the navy was so mistrusting of him. He certainly had better sense than that misogynist Iblis and the privileged Mothma. Perhaps it was more problematic pro human bigotry? Maybe she’d blog about it after she finished her duties this evening. At eighteen, she was the youngest Admiral in the Republic Navy, agism was a real thing she had to deal with but with this war heating up, perhaps she’d have a chance to show them all. Those thoughts of course were interrupted by the enhanced female who rose out of the pod, speaking Sithari. Who promptly proceeded to lord her presence over the deck of the taller woman’s cruiser and then began taking hostages. She wasn’t bothered by that, it was Sith culture and as a quasi artificial being she was entitled to practice it to a degree. Her problem was when the girl demanded to know the whereabouts of Exar Kun and began acting as her social status entitled her to act superior to the sentients around her. The young aristocrat who bought her commission found that deeply problematic. Social virtue was important, culture was important but couldn’t the being understand she was interfering in a reformers quest! Thus the Galaxy’s loudest hypocrite promptly stormed over to the irate female. Holdo was always told her Sith was masterful. Perhaps it was time to put it to use? She did her best to articulate “not to assume your gender gentle being” The Woman turned to Holdo and leered angrily at her butchery of even the simplified version High Sith tongue her people spoke. Even more at the implication...she was some manner of eunuch from this...neon haired dandy. Even more insulting was the implication her God King could be slain by the weakling Jedi. Why was her grammar all wrong? Holdo blinked, as the apparent female began speaking all the teenaged Admiral could hear were the incorrect babble of someone who claimed to speak Sith but sounded like she’d gotten it off an old holonet translation matrix. -Why is she asking me about rainbows and meats?- Holdo blinked, was this augmented woman merely a product of mad science by the emperor programmed to think she was Sith? Or had the intolerant Jedi deceived them into internalizing anti-Sith bigotry until they lost their own language? “I….I..if I may Admiral” One of the Republic protocol droids finally approached the scene of confusion, sensing the hostility in the body language of the disoriented female. “The poor thing had her entire language defiled” Holdo murmured ruefully, it was almost too good to be true. Not only did she get to make contact with a displaced tribe but she could help this person discover her true heritage like her tutors on her mother’s estate used to wax nostalgically about. The droid was an interloper, but she reasoned it was probably “safer” not wanting to trigger the newly awakened victim of old core imperialism. “Very well droid” The Protocol unit turned, it’s burgundy colored chasi catching light as it bowed. It left out, of course, that an impersonator claimed to be the artifice of her species' destruction and that the son of the man who destroyed the Jedi and Sith lived. Proclaiming himself Jedi and he had followers. “Why were you speaking to her about Wookies and Dewbacks?” Quarried Holdo annoyed, this droid was clearly as defective as the Sith was lost. “Merely speaking her language mistress” “Don’t, its colonalist” If the Droid could sigh, it would have. with her free hand the woman waved it in a comical gesture but Holdo was sent face first into the ground and slid backwards like she was being propelled by an unseen power. She continued to her objective with the captive mercenary in tow. “Awwwww Sithspit you aren't just something they made you have the force too.” “Where is hanger?” she said i basic “Will you let me go if I tell you?” “No you need to pilot for me I cannot go in ship without being shot down.” “Will you let me go after?” “Tell me where hanger is damn you!” She lifted the mercenary off the cuff of his jacket with one arm. “Ok ok just keep going straight!” When Holdo was knocked along the floor, the first thing she did was evaluate why the Sith woman was so violent towards her? All the Admiral was trying to do was to help her make sense of her own culture! The second thing she did was rise and immediately begin discharging blaster fire. The third thing she did was reach into her tunic and grab one of her comm signals. “Attention all personnel we have a renegade force user onboard, avoid but seal off all hangar bays and disable any transports that can be used to get off this ship!” Turning she grabbed the nearest security officer “Stun her, as many times as you need too, kill the clone if you must and inform Earhen that his new assignment is to help me to deliver the Jedi Order” Luke Skywalker could have her, to keep or kill. Perplexed at his commander and how the teenager went from docile to -everything must die- he gulped and ran, Holdo’s eyes were wild and unhinged as she ordered the bridge to make a blind jump into hyperspace then exit it and immediately set course and jump again to Yavin IV. She’d heard what happened to the Imperial Captain dumb enough to wake up the last person claiming to be an ancient force user. She would not be blamed for this one running wild. “I don’t care if you have to drop our cruiser on top of the temple itself” “Ma’am what about the rest of the fleet” “THEY CAN MEET US THERE..JUMP..JUMP...JUMP...NOOOWWWW” Why did men always think they could question her. “Holdo! What the hell are you doing? This wasn’t part of my orders!” Hirog complained. This fruit flavored idiot was going to ruin everything! If he could convince that Force user to come with him, Hiromi would have the means to challenge all the other major factions of the Galaxy! The Woman and her captive were beset by Republic Troopers, each heavily armed at Holdos command. With a simple gesture of her free hand all of them were on the ground gasping for air as their blasterfire harmlessly deflected off of her protection bubble. Again with her free hand she punched through the plasteel shutters cutting off the entrance to the hanger. That Neon haired wench would face her masters wrath soon...she began to notice the ship had begun moving. Damn that whores eyes, by the Left handed god she would rip her heart out. “Can you let me go now?” “No I still need answers from you, and I must make ugly woman with odd hair suffer.” She began to ominously approach a wall of guards that surrounded Holdo. As the odd pair began to approach The Vice Admiral and her honor guard the vessel suddenly lurched, exiting hyperspace as soon as it had entered it. Around them klaxons roared off, lights began to flicker off and on and the whistling protestations of Astromech droids could be heard as they were flung from the various levels of the hangar bay. Holdo was once again dropped onto her backside and flung across the deck, nearly being crushed to death by a Y-Wing that came loose from its moorings to roll around her and her guards, narrowly avoiding the golem and her hostage. “Command! What the Kriff was that!” “We..We did a microjump” Holdo blinked, when had she ordered a micro-jump?! Everyone knew you never risked one of those, the momentum carried between entering hyperspace would combined with the inertia one gained from leaving it to disastrous results. The kinetics alone, were capable of snapping ships in half and fortunately, her vessel was spared that fate. But they must have hesitated, for they’d jumped only a half a lightyear and came out to a dead stop in an ultra-thick nebula, crashing into one gigantic column of methane, or at least she suspected it was methane and not helium and some other substance. The vessel’s engines ignited the column and harmless multi-colored flames passed over the windows harmlessly. -huh the flames match my hair, this must be a sign- Or perhaps the Sith would take it as such? She appeared to have been marching towards her ominously before any of this was attempted. “Plotting course to Yavin now ma’am” “No..wai” She spoke, too late. They made a second jump, the Y-wing shuddered and then bounced, dragging along the floor until it made a natural barrier between her and the would be Sith Assassin. The vessel had sufficient time to warn the rest of the fleet that it would be heading to Endor, not Yavin. Which was perhaps the will of the force, for under the duress and strain of the microjump, the sensors scrambled and Vice Admiral Amalyin Holdo, her Recusant class vessel and several billion tons of flaming nebula were all yanked through hyperspace, coming out right on top of the Republic fleet over the Sanctuary moon, the flaming gas and ionized particles smashed into their defense satellites and scrambling their early warning systems. The recusant shuddered, dead in space. At the heart of a burning storm, that quickly spread out across the moons orbit. To Admiral Firmus Naantz and General Han Solo, who were having lunch together, the scene unfolding before their eyes, only meant one thing. Somebody kriffed up. As the rest of the fleet arrived it was confirmed. Someone kriffed up bad.