[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190325/1c87e052d952d3c59cc590ea2d7a3647.png[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/4442323ac2c19c06fe3c145ee4376ab1d6ae35c8/68747470733a2f2f37382e6d656469612e74756d626c722e636f6d2f36646238376466346561636466616638643431373431343164353865363135392f74756d626c725f6f61756c776d74446439317638717031306f315f3530302e676966?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80[/img][/center] As Emilia struggled to put Katie out of her mind, at least for the time being, she did get some help in that attempt from her friends. Apparently, not only was the new leather jacket a hit, but swapping in Josie's leggings were really making the outfit pop. And the comments she was getting! [b][color=5F722C]"God Emi, you pulling your best Sandy from Grease impression with that look. It’s badass, hermosa.”[/color][/b] Emilia did like Grease, but her being Olivia Newton-John? No, she couldn't be that cool. Could she? Maybe was Sami was going a little overboard. He was always so kind to her. Like the brother she never had. But Sami did know badass. He had the scars to prove it. Maybe she could take it for what it was. [b][color=376569]"I'm diggin' the outfit, Emi... I really like that leather jacket."[/color][/b] Ivy giving her compliments like that though? Now Emilia was starting to feel a lot better about everything. Ivy had a good eye for good looks. If she was impressed, that meant Emilia really did nail this whole road trip outfit. [b][color=1E90FF]"Emi, digging the jacket, it’s a good look."[/color][/b] Freaking Leon though? Leon Barnes, star athlete? Him noticing? [color=ffff1e][i]OK. That clinches it. Bad momma Emi is a look that I have to keep available on demand. This is working out too well.[/i][/color] Emilia was blushing at this point. [color=ffff1e]"Thank you so much, everyone! I'm glad you like it! I like it too! Makes me feel really cool and stuff!"[/color] There was a lot of food being passed around and if she hadn't been convinced to get a breakfast bagel at McDonald's, she would have been attacking the pancakes and the buns with the ferocity of someone who finally had given up on keto. As it was, she was contend to feed on the compliments. [color=ffff1e]"I can't believe everyone made so much food! That's amazing! I can't wait to have some when we get rolling! Think I'm going to need a table for when I attack this feast!"[/color] However, a stray thought did cross her mind as she basked in the glow of a moderately successful entrance. [color=ffff1e][i]Katie's still here, you know. And if AJ is organizing this, Val is going to be here too. Can you take all those negative vibes? Of course you can't. You can't take anything. That's why you-[/i][/color] Emilia quickly shook her head in an attempt to ward off what was certain to be another breakdown waiting to happen. Luckily there were still plenty of distractions. [color=ffff1e]"You know what? On second thought, let me at some baozi! Can't disappoint Nainai!"[/color] The reverence for a grandmother's cooking and the smell of the steamed buns were enough to guide Emilia's mind away from the growing shouting coming from the area of the RV.