[center][h1][color=yellow]Kristin Reynolds[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/25/00/8c/25008cd46a9a1caa0f968bf201dbae08.gif[/img] [I]Location: Motel 6 - Greensboro, North Carolina Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Once Leda got into the truck and unlocked all of the doors Kristin quickly crawled up into the front passenger side seat and strapped herself in. She looked over towards Leda for a moment she was kind of surprised that she made a suggestion on a stop since it was the closest location to them that wouldn't be a bad drive. [color=yellow]"That works for me, though we are a bit strapped for cash right now as well, so if we do run out of fuel we will have to figure something out. And we probably wont be able to get a motel room next time either."[/color] She said, since the money is an issue right now to. Kristin thought for a moment on how much time they had left they had probably four days left, and they just used their first day just to get here now as well. [color=yellow]"We'll have time to probably stop and rest again to, but Atlanta is probably our best bet."[/color] She said, Kristin didn't want Leda to drive more than she wanted to since she was their only driver right now as well.