Everyone knows Spiderman and a lot of people also know Venom So what if you're a person and you have some friends and then you find a Venom and you get to be that Venom and you have powers. That's what this RP will be about. Your character will find a Venom and wear it and come up with a superhero name. This will be very slice of life so a lot of the game you're just be going to school and taking the dog out for a walk and stuff. But also this is in the spider man universe, but you have to come up with an original character creation. Pictures help, but if you can't find one, a physical description will do fine. I don't care if the pictures are of real people or of fake paper people, anything is cool. You can control up to 2 people. Also the bad guy is probably going to end up being someone like Carnage, but we won't spoil that until we get closer to the end with his sister with the tooths. I think it would be best if we limited this to about 4 people. I understand that this type of game may stir up a lot of interest, but I'm trying to stay impartial and just play by the book. For those who don't know, a Venom is a space suit but you have to feed it or it gets mad and it eats people. some Venoms can make sharp weapons with their skin and others can fly so you have to figure out what your Venom can do. I'm also looking for 2 GMs so message me if your interested. Oh and if someone wants to be spiderman thats fine, but it has to be a spiderman with a venom. Thanks. we'll start next week. good Luck!