[b]"You don't mean look, do you? You mean poke it and wrap it up.."[/b] Matilda was largely dubious about letting anybody be within three inches of it, let alone wrap it up. But, it wasn't time for her to be churlish. No. She had to suck it up, and think about the fact it would all be over soon... The urge to barrel kick like Bessie the horse, was alarmingly strong. When the mahor took her shoe off, the young woman cringe. A shooting pain eminating through her whole body. For the first time since the event, Tilly feld herself quite angry at the two daults tht caused it. Despite that, she was grateful for Arthur. It could have been Henry man handling it, and he had the finess of a hog. [b]"I'm going to try really hard not to kick you." [/b] She admitted bluntly, [b]"But I can't promise it"[/b] There was a mildly mischievous sheen to her smile, when the door opened. Matilda tilted her head back, and there was Jack. He had a silver train dotted with scones and tea. [i]"Thank you Jack. We can pour it. Do go back and rest."[/i] Jack nodded, "Aye Miss Tilly. You just send for Mary or I if you need us."[/i] He nodded his head politely, before stepping back outside. Matilda glanced down at her foot. [b]"Is it rather fat? [/b]