[Center][IMG]https://artlords-artwork.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/image/9875/display_comp_workbw.jpg[/IMG] [hr] [h3][Color=Firebrick]Ebeneezer "Benny" Barns[/Color][/h3][/Center] [table][row][cell]Born to a family of traveling [I]a Cappella[/I] street performers, he learned to sing and dance at a very young age. However, around the time he was nine years old, while they were unusually hungry and low on funds, he had developed a comedically severe illness that permanently disabled his larynx, leaving him mute-for-life and in a coma. Thinking him dead, his family abandoned him. When he awoke, he found work as the lab assistant for a forger of name-brand prosthetic organs. He worked for several years without pay in exchange for a prosthetic larnyx capable of imitating the voices of thousands of different people. He had attempted to make it as a pop star but, finding few willing to take a chance on him because he "wasn't very special", has taken to the mercenary lifestyle in order to fund his eventual first tour and record production.[/cell][cell][IMG]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/TalkativeSillyAmericanalligator-max-1mb.gif[/IMG][/cell][/row][/table]