[hider=Aya] [b]Name:[/b] Aya [b]Age:[/b] Day 3 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Appearance:[/b] Aya is a rather scrawny goblin, with large droopy ears, dull green skin and messy black hair. Where many goblins might fall towards the hideous or even monstrous ends of the appearance spectrum, Aya instead falls on the cuter side of things, though in the monstrous sort of way that ends up being creepy to most other races rather than endearing, like a demented interpretation of one of their children. When around others Aya is most often be found with a massive grin plastered upon her face, a trait that between her maw of pointed teeth and overly large, ever staring eyes, only serving to further sell the image of a demented child. [b]Personality:[/b] Aya is a bit of an oddball, the kind of person who struggles knowing how she should interact with people she doesn't know and copes by presenting herself as a weirdo with far more energy than she actually has. When she's alone or otherwise around people she knows Aya's personality is far more bearable, becoming calmer and more thoughtful, outside of such circumstances however she can be pretty hard to deal with. Aya is also the sort to think things through to a fault, going past anything helpful and instead crippling herself with indecision and doubt over simple tasks, leaving things to the very last minute out of fear of missing something important, and agonising over how she could have done things differently after even the smallest of mistakes. [b]Past Life:[/b] Aya was a student in her past life, nearing the end of her school years when she died. Her life had been relatively uneventful up until that point. Even with her colourful personality people just learned to filter out her oddities and ignore her, leaving her to a quiet school life with little of interest ever happening. The most noteworthy part of her life, if any at all, was the discontent she'd felt towards the end. She wasn't stupid or anything like that, quite the opposite actually, but the quirks of her personality made it hard for her to get much done and lead her to dwell on and amplify her failings in her mind, while a lack of any real social bonds had made it difficult for her to vent her dissatisfaction. Even her death, in the end, was uneventful, she just went to sleep one day and never woke up. [b]Talent(s):[/b] [LIST] [*]Dirty Tactics [*]Strategy [/LIST] [b]Skill(s):[/b] [LIST] [*][b]Dark Eye[/b] (Passive) E-Rank [*][b]Absorption[/b] (Remaining Uses: 8/8) [/LIST] [b]Inventory:[/b] [LIST] [*]-- [/LIST] [/hider]