The tho drones looked at each other, both of them nudging the other forward to attempt to coax the other into going out. Max nodded at Marcus' words, lifting his sniper as he moved into a safe position to shoot over or under his two team mates as Eli moved to press up against the wall and readied himself, both younger boys narrowing their eyes in the darkness. The shorter Alien finally lost the battle for going first, and he slowly stepped out with a low hiss. He kept to the shadows, knowing that light would dance across his shiny carapaces. "Can we hellllp you humanz?" He spoke in broken English, his mandibles clicking together angrily. "You are intrudingz on our landz." His tiny wings buzzed, his eyes focused in on Marcus with another click of his mandibles. Eli moved to point both of his guns towards the Alien, staring him down angrily as a red dot appeared on the Aliens' chest from Max's gun. The Alien didn't try to make any sharp movements, attempting to do what he wasn't very good at. Talking. The Taller alien scuttled along to close the space between him and the woman they held captive. He moved to wrap both of his arms around her as his wings buzzed as well. The humans were blocking the only safe exit, and despite the drones having wings, they were virtually useless.