[i]"I'm not sure that should be green.. Does that look green to you?"[/i] [b]"It's definitely green. How did you dye it green?!" [/b] [i]"I think it might have been the string I used to tie the herbs."[/i] Heidi's cheeks flushed a vibrant red as she shot a sideways glance in Neave's direction. The redhead raised her eyebrows in cautious curiosity, [b]"What string did you use?"[/b] [i]"Garden twine.." [/i] The two maids dissolved into laughter. Had Molly the cook been there, green chicken soup would not have been a laughing matter, but in her absence it was bloody hilarious. [b]"You're going to have to hide the evidence before Molly gets back. Have you got time to make a new batch?" [/b] Heidi nodded at her Irish friend, [i]"I think I can knock some more out before supper. Could you pop and get me some thyme from the garden? Oh and some chives.. And possibly.."[/i] [b]"I'll get you one of everything!" [/b] And with the click of the kitchen door, Neave disapeared outside. Six months she'd been working for the Harrington family now, and she was finally feeling settled. At only just twenty, the position was her first away from home. Leaving Cork in Ireland had been a real wrench, but she was loving England and the people that she spent her time with. As a daily maid, she kept busy. The list of jobs was a long one, and she did everything from making the beds, to serving dinner. The fresh air was a welcomed change from the stuffy atmosphere of the kitchen. How Heidi managed to stay in there all day, was absolutely mind boggling. Neave loved to be outside in nature. The scent of roses and honeysuckle from the courtyard garden hung in the air, and it was calm and peaceful. Neave wandered her way to the kitchen garden, wicker basket in hand. The young woman's red hair was plaited neatly and draped down over her shoulder, a white headband kept it all in place. A black long sleeved dress stopped just below her knee, and a crisp white linen apron pulled in at her waist. It wasn't exactly high stakes fashion, but it did the job that it was intended to do. The household staff lived in a converted stableblock. They each had their own room, and shared a communal living space and kitchen. Needless to say, Molly the housekeeper took charge of that department. The family were generous, and it was a very happy place to work, for the most part atleast. Neave hummed cheerfully to herself as she walked across the driveway, taking her time to ensure that she could be outside for as long as possible. The promise of laundry afternoon was looming, and she wanted to stay in denial for as long as humanly possible. It wasn't a glamorous lifestyle, but Neave was pretty content with it.