Aura stood there, her fist held defiantly in the air, daring anyone to question her choice, but also offering a show of support to her whole guild. However, in the still air, she heard someone speak. "Despicable" she said of this, saying that they shouldn't vote at the funeral for their fallen comrades. Really, she was right, but doing it later would be doing nothing but delaying it, and she was about to say this when one of the other members of the guild stepped up. "[i]I think his name is Zero.....right?[/i]" She was pretty sure that was his name, but she was glad that he saved her from replying. Not only that, but it truly did sound like something Master Makarov would say. However, that girl, she'd had a point, they needed to honor the others. So, Aura once again strode to the front, but this time she shyly addressed Natsu and Lockheart. "Um, Hello. I was thinking, just because we're voting, doesn't mean we can't....send them off in Fairy Tail's way, with a bang...I...I think it's what they would've wanted, and if we do this for them while we'll be kinda like they're still here during this time." With that, she patted her left pistol, and added "I'd do that for them but....I'll need some help...what's a sendoff with just one bang, right?" Her voice quavered, and it was obvious to anyone that she was scared of offending the other members of her family. However, her hands, they displayed more firmness, more confidence. Her right hand rested on her thigh, but her left clutched the grip of her pistol. She wanted to do this for them, but she felt she needed help to do it.