This is... amazing! Like swimming through the deepest lake, but you can still breathe! Like sunbathing after a shower but you don't have to get out to do it! Like... like dreaming. It's like dreaming, but you're still awake enough to enjoy it. Alina gasps with wonder. She's so happy she's floating! She stretches one crystalline hand out in front of her, wiggles her fingers. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Beyond compare to anything but a single memory. A dream. A memory of a dream, or, or a dream of a memory. Hers now. Forever hers. Alina is beautiful and flawless. Her silks and her hair flutter gracefully in a breeze that's just for her. On her crown, her new lights glitter and she lights up in all new colors. A pair of great, shimmering diamond wings sprouts from her back and unfurl themselves with Queenly poise. Where her lights shine through the feathers, the ground is bathed in wondrous pools of color. On the ground, the emeralds she'd seen the world through sparkle brilliantly, full of pride. Full of softness. Full of relief. They rise before Alina, and when she clutches her shining hand around them there's a feeling of raw heat, and then she's holding a single perfect gem which floats up to her ever expanding crown and flits happily between old friends and new. Green is healed at last. "Look at me!" she says with breathless, giddy laughter, "Everyone, look at me! Can you believe this? I feel so good! I can do... so much!" She twirls in the air with a massive flutter of her diamond wings. Underneath her, all her friends and family are covered by a kaleidoscope. So strong! So fierce! Faster than fast! More graceful than grace itself! So, so warm! So warm! Alina feels her scar melting into nothing, lifting her higher and higher, further and further into bliss! "Keep singing, Kazelia! Please, your voice is so beautiful. I want to hear the songs of your journey, now that ours is finished. And after that, I'll... oh! I'll help you see the stars again! Won't that be great? And Adila! Let's give you a voice that you can speak with, safely, and extra hands for holding things, and oh! My stars! There's so, [i]so[/i] much that we can do now!" Alina gestures with her free hand and, as her fingers curl delicately into a fist, she lifts Rita up into the air with her on a column of ochre light. Her heart beats lighter than it ever has in her entire life, and she dips her neck down to kiss her perfect girlfriend, hardly noticing the way that Rita's looking at her even as she melts against her lips. She pulls away and looks surprised to see Rita shivering, eyeing something or someone on the ground and looking more uncomfortable than in love. Her little hands keep twitching, like she's thinking of doing something awful and then second guessing herself. Alina's wing bends so that she can scratch Rita on the special spot behind her left ear that always calms her nerves with the tip of one radiant feather. Her mind is already drifting out and away, across Hyperborea. Thinking of all the little hurts, and then all of the bigger hurts she's seen or heard about since all of this began. Plans are forming in her head, the rivers she'll move, the oases she'll build in the deserts and the hills she'll shape and the houses she'll rebuild and the towns she'll make grander, and everyone, everyone will love her and forgive her and never say she's a screw up who doomed Hyperborea again! They wouldn't... wouldn't dare. Would they? "...Kazelia?" Her smile strains her lips. Her eyes are so soft they look liquid, "Why aren't you singing?"