[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701624413757374464/Jessica_banner.png[/img][/center] Jess declined Izzy's offer of water, but did think it was nice of her. But that hardly mattered, because that's also when Kayla showed up. Jess remained a fair distance away from Kayla at first. [color=f26522]"Holy shit, is that a shotgun?"[/color] She asked herself as the massive leader came out. His weapon was hardly worth worrying about though as Kayla took him down like a complete badass. [color=f26522]"Fuck yeah! Get him Kayla!"[/color] After the initial attack, panic ensued. Madison and Emily jumped into action, and Jess was right behind them. A swarm of vampires were making out and getting hot and heavy, the next moment they were covered in flames. [color=f26522]"Damn, sure wish I could shoot fire."[/color] Jess thought to herself. She was also in awe of Madison's quick dispatch of enemies, throwing them around with the Jaws like they were nothing. Jess brandished her wooden sword and eyed a trailer that had four goons running out. Three were beer-belly men, each in their mid twenties, and some daisy-dukes wearing bitch. The guys were hooting and hollering, wearing their stained muscle shirts and brandishing a hockey stick, a baseball bat, and a fucking sledge hammer. The girl was armed with a broken tequila bottle. Jess didn't wait. She focused and muttered, [color=f26522]"Extension Middle!"[/color] her sigil shone in front of her onyx necklace as a bright orange energy flew down the wooden blade, reaching several feet further with no weight difference, just a slight strain on her stamina. Luckily, the energy copied the weapon it was on, so it would just make solid contact, the same as wood. Jess dashed forward, aiming a thrust at the hammer-boy's sternum. It made solid contact, and he flew backwards into the trailer, making a humongous racket. Jess then threw a fast kick at the girl's stomach. The girl tried to swing, and caught Jess' leg, but took the hit and dropped the improvised weapon. The other two men pressed forward, swinging their bat and hockey stick wildly at her. She parried, and took a few steps back before taking a well aimed swing at one's knee. He went down nice and sweet. [color=f26522]"And then there was one."[/color] Jess said, smirking, hardly noticing the cut on her leg from the bottle. She pointed her sword at him and focused, and shouted "Extension maximum!" She wasn't sure if she even had to say anything, but she found that it helped her to vocalize when using her embueing spell. The orange energy shot forward and pushed forcibly against the hockey stick user's chest. He fell back, groaning, along with his cohorts. She was glad that it managed to work, she had learned at the coven that her abstraction didn't do extra damage to extra-normals, but figured they probably just felt like they'd been walloped with a sturdy stick in weak spots. Jess kept the twenty foot extension going when she noticed flying creatures too. [color=f26522]"This is fucking awesome!"[/color] She would swing strategically at low fliers, aiming for wings. She managed to make sickening contact with one of the fucker's wing and it came crashing down. [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701613021134323853/Elise_banner.png[/img][/center] Elise had taken a step away from Sin and her monster when Kayla showed up. She demonstrated her badassery which horrified Elise. She felt like she was taken back to the day she became awakened. She screamed [color=00aeef]"Stop!!!"[/color] Strangulation had a PTSD effect on Ellie, and she dropped to her knees, reliving the moment her girlfriend Ashley was strangled to death. She couldn't bring herself to look up again until there were already batlike creatures around. Ellie shakily opened her journal, glad for this escape. She began jotting down what she observed about, not only the vampires, but the other girls too. She leaned against the same tree as Claudette and observed. [color=00aeef]Vampires: Capable of transformation and enhanced strength. [i]Not weakened by sun.[/i] They seem to have similar endurance as any other extra normal.[/color] [color=00aeef]Kayla: Her abstraction seems to take a side seat to her raw aggression. It's hard for me to watch her fight. Her abstraction synergizes well with her style. Abstraction RANK A[/color] [color=00aeef]Madison: Fearless and strong. The Jaws seems fully invincible to the attacks from the vampires. The Jaws allow her to fly upon bone wings with speed and accuracy. Abstraction RANK S [/color] [color=00aeef]Emily: As awful as she is, and as horrifying as Babylon is, they are an asset. They work quickly and can take out large groups at once. A wide variety of curses, but against the vampires they opt for Fire and Lust. Abstraction RANK S[/color] [color=00aeef]Jessica: She has the ability to channel energy through a weapon. This seems to work against the vampires, but to no surprising degree. She fights recklessly but effectively. Her abstraction is a good match. Abstraction RANK B[/color] She continued to keep as vigilant eye as she could on the field to help those who needed it, but she was still shaking, and her notes appeared sloppy. She was more focused on observation for study than to help.