The smaller drone watched the humans carefully as he watched them, especially as Max and Eli honed in more on him. "Why should we give youz the human? We are under direkt orderz from the queen to take her to the hivez." He said as he moved to try and cover his other companion. The Taller alien gave a long chain of angry clicks and whistles, stomping his feet in a sign of anger. He tried to moved out of sight, but there was nowhere to really head to. "Thiz human belong to uz! We found her!" The taller one spoke angrily, feeling the woman start to move in his arms. "Juzt let uz go. We need to get bak to the hivez!" Eli lifted his gun slightly, "That human belongs to [i]no one[/i]." He said angrily, clicking his gun before narrowing his eyes. Max kept his sight on the front Alien, ready to fire if needed. His red-dot staying almost fully still over the chest of the Alien, he waited for a sign from Marcus or any aggressive movement from the Aliens to shoot.