For a moment or two it looked like class was in session, with every good student learning their lesson. Lou grinned, living it up as the absolute center of attention. Nobody seemed too happy about his display, judging by screwed-up faces and angry, pained shouts, but what were they going to do about it? Get closer? On second thought, however, that seemed to be just what they were doing. And not just one or two, but all of them. At first Lou thought he only needed to worry about the big, muscle-bound man in shades fighting his way, but even the kids were getting in on the action. Somehow they got a hold of several pair of sunglasses, whereas a moment ago only one sported eyewear of any kind. While Lou figured it must be the work of an epithet, that didn't exactly improve his situation. Now at least five people were coming at him, all with protective gear to mitigate his gaudy glare. Quicker than he should have been to try and assert himself, he might have bit off more than he could chew. Still, the shades failed to totally solve the problem. As their wearers got closer, the strain would pick up once again, putting their strength of will against the raw power of Blingish. Just as Lou settled in for the long haul, however, something moved to his right. He turned to look only to receive a face -and mouth- full of sand, kicked up by someone he'd assumed to be in his corner. "Kuh! Pfah!" he spat, wiping at his face wildly. The radiance flickered like a light bulb in a power surge, given his opponents a moment to gain some ground. A moment later, however, Lou shoved Haywood to the ground with his forearm. He landed in the mucky beach river with a splash. "Back off if ya value your eyesight, chumps!" Lou turned his attention back toward his visitors. With free reign to approach and blink for just a couple seconds, the kids now stood a little too close for comfort. Built like a boar, Lou figured he could rough up a few scrawny teens pretty easily, but one of them held what by all accounts appeared to be an actual sword, and who knew what epithet powers the others hid. One of them held some sort of contraption pointed at him, which seemed to be tugging on his embellishments a bit. Having no doubt refreshed themselves the moment the chance came, they could probably force themselves through the last couple yards single-file and dogpile him. Luckily for him, Lou himself didn't need to keep their focus. He released his epithet's hold on most of his bling, redirecting the power into his gold chain as he pulled it off. "Ya want it so bad?" After whirling it over his head like a lasso, he slung it the kids' way. It sailed toward Jessica's electromagnet, the agonizing brilliance of its luster growing much stronger as it came closer. "Here ya go! At that range, couple seconds and the pain'll knock ya out cold. Sweet relief, jus' around the corna!" The adults, too, could now only look at his chain. Lou himself was a good as invisible. Confident that the chain would incapacitate his foes by itself, he turned to sneer at those spared by his attack, daring them to try and challenge him like Haywood did. "'Ey! Any a' you wise guys try any funny business, ya get yer corneas blasted, ya hear?"