[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=silver]✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/LIZ0usvXVBImQ/source.gif[/img][hr][b][color=silver]Location:[/color][/b] Argo III - Upper Deck [b][color=silver]Skills:[/color][/b] Trivia Knowledge[hr][hr][/center] Rebecca smiled slightly, hearing Andy and Arthur's conversation about breakfast foods. It was nice to see that they were relatively normal and well adjusted kids, even with everything they had experienced. It used to be all too common for demigods to die before they were twelve years old. Of course, her attention was then caught by Jason's tirade against Demetri. She mentally prepared herself to intervene with a spell or a curse - it was too violent for her tastes. She also felt a bit protective over the changeling. The children of Ares were insensitive and cruel as a rule. Though Demetri was a little bit overly dramatic when he said he would pray for Zeus to not blast them. The Lord of the Skies wouldn't do such a thing with two of his children on the Argo III. [color=silver]"You impersonated [i]Heracles[/i] and he achieved godhood, as well as marrying Hebe, the Goddess of Youth,"[/color] she pointed out to Demetri to lighten the mood. She was assigned to the second rotation with Arthur and Jason, beginning in approximately five hours. She figured she would sleep after the shift concluded. That gave her five hours to do something she hoped to accomplish - begin Arthur's training. [color=silver]"Arthur, if you'd like we can begin some lessons now on necromancy - unless you'd prefer to go eat a muffin first,"[/color] she told him. [color=silver]"Andy, you're welcome to come too - I can teach you to manipulate the Mist if you'd like."[/color][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=a187be]🌈 Leda Storm 🌈[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/brg07WSD/original.gif[/img][hr][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Argo III - Upper Deck [b][color=a187be]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] [color=a187be]"You know you're straight when being hit on by a gay guy triggers your accent,"[/color] Leda couldn't help but quip with a giggle. It was an overreaction, but the children of Ares tended to be like that. Their father was all war and bloodshed, and they tended to be jerks who enjoyed picking fights for any reason at all. If anything, it was a little bit surprising that Jason hadn't done [i]more[/i] than just shove Demetri. Some of the Ares campers would have run him through with their sword for that. Demetri didn't know that, but then again, he'd hardly been at Camp Half-blood before signing up to go on a flying ship to Camp Jupiter. [color=a187be]"Hey, Sky Boy, the kids of Ares are like that. I wouldn't take it personally that they don't exactly appreciate comedy. And nah, if you impersonate a god, that's up to them to deal with smiting you. I'm too busy to go around doing that."[/color] She also knew enough about the gods to figure that if she handled their dirty work for them, there was a not too small chance they would take their anger out on her instead. Gods were fickle like that - hardly more mature than toddlers at times. Zeke's father, Apollo, was one of the worst offenders in her opinion. Her shift with Keira wasn't for about ten hours, so Leda mentally planned to try to sleep at some point before then. They'd be working with Lauryn and Andy, a competent team and people she enjoyed hanging out with. Leda quietly thanked the gods she hadn't been paired with Rebecca. Someone must have been looking out for her. [color=a187be]"Alright, c'mon Katara, let's go see if my mum can do us a solid."[/color] She gave Keira a smile, before pulling her over to the edge of the upper deck. Leda pulled out a drachma. [color=a187be]"So all you need to do is make a rainbow. You need to concentrate and make a fine mist of water. The light'll catch it and ta-da. Toss this drachma into the rainbow and say [i]Oh Mum, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering.[/i] Well for you, say Iris instead of mum. She's not your mum."[/color][hr][hr][center][h3][color=#9370DB][b]☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/J7fyx8Bj/nan.gif[/img][hr][b][color=#9370DB]Location:[/color][/b] New Rome - the Senate House [b][color=#9370DB]Skills:[/color][/b] Prophecy[hr][hr][/center] If she were to be sent to eternal damnation in Pluto's Underworld, Nancy was fairly certain it would resemble a meeting of the Senate. As a praetor, she was unfortunately required to attend them, pay attention to others, speak her mind, and take votes on issues. She hadn't entered Camp Jupiter wanting to gain the most important rank, but it had happened. She wished praetors were more like dictators. The bureaucracy was suffocating, even with a mocha from her favorite little shop in New Rome to help power her through it. Her purple praetor's cloak just felt [i]weird[/i], only increasing her urge to jump out of her skin or just start shouting and running around the Senate House like a maniac to alleviate her boredom. Unfortunately, her day was about to get a [i]lot[/i] more interesting. The signs of an imminent prophetic episode coincidentally were [i]very[/i] similar to those that harbingered a seizure. Her vision became fuzzy, as the entire world shifted out of focus. Her hearing faded away, leaving her completely unaware of what was going on - essentially, Jupiter could have come down from Olympus and she wouldn't have noticed. [color=#9370DB]"Mads, it's happening,"[/color] Nancy mumbled, as her limbs began to twitch and kick of their own accord. Like she was being controlled by a sadistic puppeteer, she drew her deck of tarot cards and unconsciously pulled a five card spread, as she was trapped in a vision. New Rome faded away, replaced with a dark and dreary battlefield. The air was thick and heavy, pressing her down into the ground. It smelled like rotten eggs and farts. Nancy gagged, spotting the ongoing wreckage of a ship in the distance, but that didn't pull her attention nearly as much as those engaged in the fight. Her heart clenched in fear, seeing titans and giants and monsters facing a group of thirteen demigods - among them her best friends, Niah and Madalyne, and her mortal enemy, Leandra. The demigods were chained up in a shrine - a shrine to her father, Apollo, Nancy realized with a jolt. She gasped as the vision ended, finding herself face to face with the five cards she had drawn, all from the major arcana - [center][color=#9370DB]The High Priestess - Reversed Lovers - Reversed The Hanged Man Death The Tower[/color][/center] [color=#9370DB]"...We need to reconvene the Senate,"[/color] she said, her voice shaky. She hated Senate meetings with a passion. She lived for the moment when they ended. For Nancy to use her authority as a praetor to extend the meeting time, it had to be serious - end of the [i]world[/i] serious.