The world didn't end in one day. In fact it didn't really end at all. The Old World fell apart and many died, but people adapted, and a new way of life became business as usual. In the vast ruined world law and order returned to tiny regions ruled by gangs and networks of cities that call themselves "empires." The world looks far different from what it once did and death is almost as common as the acid rain. In what was once called "Colorado" is an oppressive regime called The Nobility. These assholes have taken all the guns they could find and are guarding all means of knowledge and the secrets of the Old World. There once was a gang, feared throughout the wastes known as The Bastards, but all are assumed dead or defected to other factions. That is false, however. A single member survives and seeks to strike at the Nobility once more, but his thirst for revenge might get the better of him. Are you brave enough to join him?