[hider=My Hider] [center][h1]Jack Castle, Thief of Time[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/EfeyyZc.jpg[/img][/center] [sup]AKA lionheartShujinko [LS][/sup] Your name is JACK, though everyone online knows you as LIONHEARTSHUJINKO. As evident from your name, you're a big fan of all things Japanese. You love ANIME the most-- so much in fact, that you run both a SpewTube channel and your own forum website ('hikikomori.reisen') dedicated to said hobby. At least, mostly to said hobby. While your ST channel posts modern anime reviews weekly, you also break it up with videos about other topics you enjoy. Said topics are pretty anime-aligned: SQUARE ENIX and MANGA. Some might consider that all under the banner of anime, but you have had some very intense fights on the internet confirming not everyone who likes one likes them all! Especially those fucking manga guys. Pricks. You are HOME-SCHOOLED, not by your ONEE-SAN (not that she deserves the term) but just online. As such, discussion of anime is basically YOUR ONE SOCIAL AVENUE. A small, shameful part of you damns this as making you completely unable to hold an actual conversation. The rest of you HATES EVERYONE too much to really care about that-- all people do online is get into flame wars, why would that be any different in real life? You're far too busy juggling your ANIME-BASED ENTERPRISES. Despite your lack of a schedule, you would KILL for more TIME in the day. Just too many irons in the fire. But you can't let your PHILANTHROPLEDGERS down. Mostly because you're INCREDIBLY LAZY and have NO MARKETABLE SKILLS. You FETCH MODUS is named LOOP. While it's apparently a pretty standard one, you grabbed it because it reminds you a lot of the game SEIKEN DESETSU 2. Cards in use form a circle, and only the middlemost item may be accessed unless you want to drop everything. As for your STRIFE SPECIBUS, you wield the 2xyoyokind, so that way your one non-japan related hobby can be rationalized as 'practicing the blade.' Once you get into the medium, you'll be sent to the LAND OF something AND something else. [/hider]