Aya felt pleased with herself as Ragi praised her for her plan, only for that feeling to crumble away mear moments later when her sister had covertly pointed out that the other goblins probably couldn't understand the details of said plan. How had she made that kind of mistake when only minutes earlier she'd taken note those same goblins lack of intelligence? As if that wasn't bad enough she'd made a fool of herself in front of the only other intelligent goblin she'd met so far. Or should she say the only intelligent goblin? Aya did a surprisingly good job at hiding her internal meltdown, her only tell being a slight widening of the grin she wore in response to her internal panic. She needed to keep calm, if she played things just right she might still be able to salvage her sister's opinion of her. [color=7d8c81]"Good point! Anyway, we should get going now it'll be harder to dig if we get any hungrier"[/color], the goblin announced, hastily moving to exit the cave with her new companions. Reasoning that the other goblin that had gone out to hunt had probably travelled directly forwards from the cave entrance and thus reduced the hunting opportunities in that direction, Aya instead took an immediate hard left. Trying to gauge her sister's reaction to her decision making once again yielded no information to the socially inept goblin. Aya thought through the finer details of the operation as she scanned for somewhere that looked suitable for digging, not that she had any clue what to look for. Finally, settling for a patch of ground that looked to be fairly soft and with relatively few stones in the soil, at least as far as she could tell, Aya stopped. She wasn't really sure of her siblings' individual strengths, but not wanting to risk asking and making a fool of herself she was left with no choice but to make educated guesses. [color=7d8c81]"Twig can you go look for big rocks and sticks? The sticks should be long and thin."[/color], Aya asked of the lanky goblin, making exaggerated, almost comical gestures as she explained what she wanted. She figured that Twig was neither the smartest nor the strongest of her siblings so this was probably the task he was best suited to. Aya realised now that she'd forgotten to ask her sister's name, but not wanting to show her mistake she decided to press on and hope Ragi wouldn't notice, [color=7d8c81]"Ahh... sister could you go look for something we could chase into the trap? A big creature if you can but nothing with big fangs or claws or stuff"[/color], Ragi was obviously the smartest of the bunch, even if Aya was the one making the plan for some reason, so she trusted her with a more complex task, though once again she punctuated her sentence with gestures, just in case. That left Bug and Aya herself to dig and cover the hole, not that Aya really had the strength or experience to be of much help in that department, but she wanted to make sure the walls of the hole weren't sloped and were compacted enough that they wouldn't immediately crumble to a panicking animal, [color=7d8c81]"Okay Bug, follow my lead"[/color]. [@Celsius]